12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing

Here we are going to share information on the topic “12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing.” There are a gazillion ways to complicate our sexual lives. One is to partake in activities that provide a bit more vigour and closeness to our relationships. Making your spouse feel amazing doesn’t require you to be extremely inventive in the bedroom; instead, consider going back to the basics and giving him a hand job he won’t soon forget.

12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing


Although it may sound like a relic from our childhood and our first sexual experiences, there are many benefits to investigating the act of touching with a partner. The same healthy chemicals that are released during penetrative sex, oral sex, and other forms of intimacy-enhancing sex are also released during hand jobs, whether through reciprocal masturbation, alternating who concentrates on who and when, or giving your all to your partner’s pleasure—to his climax.

Many women worry that touching their partner’s penis would hurt or cause discomfort if they haven’t handled one much before.

Delivering what feels nice and creates a fantastic hand job is much easier when you know what you’re dealing with. Using both hands, twisting in opposite directions, toying with your partner’s balls, and even focusing on or avoiding the penis’s head at particular points during the act are just a few of the many technique recommendations available. However, discussing it and practicing together is the best approach to finding out what suits your partner.

We offer a variety of hand job suggestions here, but in the end, it’s up to you and your partner to figure out what makes you both feel attracted to one another and produces the most enjoyable, seductive, stimulating, and explosive hand jobs.

12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing
12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing

12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing

1. Create excitement

It will greatly excite your man when you make him the centre of your attention when it comes to sex. In that manner, the act can be anticipated long before it happens. It will create anticipation in him throughout the day to hear that “tonight” is when you’ll give it your all, and we all know that sex occurs in our thoughts as much as in our bodies.

As you approach the act, you can turn up the heat with quick strokes outside of his clothing, some nuzzling and kissing, leisurely undressing, and putting on a show. A hand procedure shouldn’t be limited to the genitalia. Why not give your spouse a little squeeze on his balls, kiss his neck, and then go to his nipples?

To facilitate the flow of events?

  • More of the desired heat can be produced by stroking his inner thighs after stroking his chest and moving past his penis.
  • It should be more explosive the more foreplay you engage in and the more time you spend preparing for his ejaculation.

Just as there are exceptions to most principles, there is a warning against over-anticipating things. It is possible to have too much of a good thing when it comes to hand jobs that are absolutely amazing. There are a lot of sexual differences between men and women, so if you keep him hanging too long, it will get annoying and can turn him off altogether. Many men will race to the finish line when they are masturbating alone, so while building suspense will make the experience much more enjoyable, overly playful taunting can backfire and not in the manner you intended.

2. Be aware of the penis’s anatomy

Getting to know your penis better is a good idea if you don’t have one.

This article from the National Library of Medicine describes the anatomy, physiology, and interrelationships of the penis’s muscles, nerves, and structure. Usually, the hand can be used to grasp with all fingers and the thumb when masturbating the penis, or it can be used to form an ‘o’ shape with the thumb and index finger.

The head of the penis will be less sensitive if your spouse has had their penis circumcised because the foreskin has been removed. Because the foreskin shields the penis’s head from frequent contact, an uncircumcised penis is frequently far more sensitive.

  • You can spend more time in the vicinity of the circumcised penis because it is accustomed to being touched.
  • You can experiment with the foreskin while your penis is uncircumcised, which can alter the way your hand job is done and make your grasp and action more pleasurable.
  • The most sensitive area of his genitalia is the head of the penis, although toying with and cupping your partner’s balls will increase pleasure. Using both hands and incorporating some ball play is beneficial; after all, you have a free hand, so why not use it?

Taste and fragrance are unique to each penis, and this is very normal. Flavored lubes are an excellent option for those who are hesitant to try hand jobs or oral sex. They come in a variety of flavours, such as mint, coffee, cake, and every kind of fruit, and they guarantee that your blow job tastes amazing and your hand job smells amazing.

3. Get visual contact (but not too much)

During sexual action, maintaining eye contact can only heighten desire and intimacy. Indeed, this has been demonstrated by numerous studies. One manuscript, published in the Sage Journal of Psychological Science, examined the differences in eye contact between the intentions of lust and the expression of love, while another, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, discusses the ways in which the sending and receiving of information about one’s gaze can elicit arousal.

  • Being genuine is crucial in this situation since any exaggerated facial expressions or phoney groans and moans will come off as forced and will accomplish the reverse of what you intended.
  • Making eye contact transforms what could otherwise feel like a very one-sided act into a genuine shared experience by fostering an extremely close relationship.
  • Even though he may be the one who gets excited when you give him a hand job, you’re learning so much about him that it will benefit your other intimate activities and sex play.

Your partner will unwind more and embrace the moment if they can tell you’re having fun. You can accomplish that by demonstrating to him how you’re starting to get off on him.

4. Listen to his personal language

He will give you insightful information about what’s functioning well, and your body language will give you nonverbal clues about how you’re doing. Your facial expressions will help you turn him on.

  • During any kind of sex, communication is one of our most important tools, and our body language conveys a lot about ourselves without requiring the use of words that could be awkward or unpleasant.
  • If he’s thrusting harder, it’s definitely time to pick up the pace. If he’s pushing his entire body into you, it’s generally because he wants more of whatever you’re doing.

Similar to this, if they’re moving away from you, it could be because they’re uncomfortable or because they’re attempting to push back the inevitable. Ask if you are unable to interpret those cues.

5. To prolong his enjoyment and heighten the intensity of his orgasm, try edging.

If you’ve never heard of edging, it’s a method that involves slowing down or pausing just before the peak to prolong the orgasm and ejaculation. While keeping an erection, you might try squeezing the base of the shaft or the head of the penis. You can gradually go back to your hand job and repeat the procedure until the moment comes for an orgasm, once the urge to climax has subsided.

  • If you’ve never heard of edging, it’s a method that slows down or stops just before the peak to prolong the orgasm and ejaculation.
  • This method of increasing pressure produces a more powerful and dramatic orgasm.

Men can also benefit from learning how to postpone ejaculation, extend sex, and delay climax. By doing this for him, you might be doing a great favour for yourself as well.

6. Lube use and the dry hand vs. Wet work debate

Is it dry or wet? Which is superior? Everyone has different tastes, so there’s no hard-and-fast rule when it comes to that, but our hand job recommendation is to get it wet. Similar feelings will be experienced with a slick hand job as with penetrating sex and blow jobs. Again, you may cover all the areas and learn about your partner’s preferences by having a brief conversation before you begin.

  • Furthermore, this article in Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters states that lubricants are a readily available way to enhance several facets of sexual wellness. On the other hand, we believe it has earned its position in all types of sexual activities from a pleasure standpoint.
  • One can simulate the feelings that a mouth or vagina offers with a wet and slick hand job.
  • For the longest-lasting lubrication, silicone lube is the best option. However, a little spit or brief blowjobs involving your mouth can add a little natural lubricant.

But always make sure your toys and condoms work with your lubricant; silicone sex toys and most condoms work best with a water-based lubricant.

7. Modify your pace

You may probably assume that your partner isn’t in a rush to cross the finish line until he’s getting close if you’ve seen him masturbate.

  • Every stage has an ideal speed, but in order to intensify his feelings, he will gradually increase the pace until it approaches frenzy at the end.
  • For the majority of hand tasks, it’s best to maintain a steady cadence, periodically varying tempo to break things up, and adding a little lighthearted humour to add a little punctuation.

Since a man’s penis can be very sensitive, start by lightly grabbing it and keep doing so until he becomes more aroused.

8. Modify the force applied to your grip.

The pressure in your grasp can increase as you go deeper into the act, just as you can apply more speed to your hand jobs. You should also inquire about your partner’s preferences in this area.

  • You may extract as much pleasure as possible from your spouse by knowing how much pressure to apply at each stage.
  • He will love it when you gently squeeze his penis in the beginning, but as the excitement builds and you go deeper, you might find he benefits more from a vice-like grip than from a relaxed stroke, or vice versa.

While he might prefer a different kind of pressure on the shaft as opposed to the penis’ head, he should swiftly inquire, “Is this enough? Would you like me to apply more pressure? Alternatively, “Just say when…” can help avoid pressing too hard on such a delicate organ.

9. For added excitement, include a couple sex toys.
  • Though there are many possibilities for every sort of body, act, taste, and pleasure, you might assume that the majority of sex toys are designed for women and vaginal owners.
  • Using traditional cock rings, vibrating penis rings, masturbators, stokers, or even a stoker and penis pump together will give a new dimension of originality to your hand job tactics!
10. Adjust the temperature
  • While manipulating your partner’s penis with ice-cold fingers might be thrilling and enjoyable for him, temperature play during sex is a fairly sophisticated and specialised topic.
  • To produce a similar kind of stimulation, store some of your bedroom toys in the refrigerator or freezer. Alternatively, have bowls of warm and ice water on hand to alternate from hot to cold.
11. Find a beat that you can stay with
  • Establishing a solid rhythm during your hand tasks will benefit you both. Increasing your speed to meet his arousal level will keep him moving gradually toward his climax while also preventing you from tiring out too quickly.
  • If things drag on a bit too long, it’s common to have painful wrists, hands, or arms. Although switching hands can be helpful, you’ll be able to hold out a little while longer before experiencing any true strain if you begin at a steady, moderate beat.
12. Consider perineal stimulation.
  • In addition to the head, balls, and shaft of the penis, additional regions surrounding the genitalia are densely packed with nerve endings that are perfect for increasing stimulation while using your hands. He will have more fun exploring those sensitive places.
  • The male g-spot is accessible through the perineum, which is the region between the anus and the base of the penis.


12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing

What is a handjob?

A handjob is a sexual activity involving manual stimulation of the penis to produce sexual pleasure and potentially lead to orgasm.

Why is communication important when giving a handjob?

Communication helps you understand your partner’s preferences, boundaries, and what feels good for them, enhancing the overall experience and satisfaction.

How can lubrication improve the handjob experience?

Lubrication reduces friction, making the experience more comfortable and pleasurable for both partners. It also allows for smoother movements and reduces the risk of irritation.

What are some basic techniques for giving a handjob?

Basic techniques include using gentle strokes, varying pressure, exploring different hand positions, and paying attention to your partner’s responses for guidance.

How can I prolong the pleasure during a handjob?

You can prolong pleasure by starting slowly, alternating between different strokes and sensations, incorporating pauses or edging techniques, and focusing on building anticipation.

Should I pay attention to areas other than the penis during a handjob? Yes, paying attention to other erogenous zones such as the testicles, perineum, and nipples can enhance overall pleasure and arousal for your partner.

What is edging, and how can it be incorporated into a handjob?

Edging involves bringing your partner close to orgasm and then backing off to delay the climax. It can be incorporated by varying the intensity and speed of stimulation and observing your partner’s responses closely.

Can combining a handjob with oral stimulation enhance pleasure?

Yes, combining a handjob with oral stimulation can create intense sensations and heightened pleasure for your partner. Alternating between the two can also prolong the experience and build anticipation.

How can I ensure good timing and rhythm during a handjob?

Paying attention to your partner’s breathing, cues, and body language can help you maintain a consistent rhythm and timing that aligns with their arousal and pleasure.

Are there any safety considerations to keep in mind when giving a handjob?

It’s essential to keep your hands clean to prevent the spread of bacteria or infections. Using a condom or barrier can also reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections, if there are any concerns.

12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing
12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing


In conclusion, there are 12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing .Developing a connection, being aware of your partner’s needs, and welcoming the exploration process together are all important components of becoming an expert at providing a handjob. It goes beyond simple physical stimulation. You may intensify the joy and closeness of the experience by using practical strategies and keeping lines of communication open. We’ve looked at a variety of handjob techniques in this tutorial to help you get the best results and timing. Every method, from the value of communication to the application of lubricant to the experimentation with various strokes and sensations, adds to a more gratifying and satisfactory experience for both partners.

So, this is how the topic “12 ways how to give handjob for good pleasure and timing” has been addressed.

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