3 meditations for happy hormones

Here we are going to share information on the topic “3 meditations for happy hormones.” Studies show that meditation can enhance emotions of well-being, contentment, and general happiness. Here are three methods to increase feel-good hormones.

Is happiness inherited, the result of good habits, or a choice? It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes us happy on the inside, even though it might be any one of these things or a mix of them. One of the best methods to become happier than you are right now is definitely to work on your mental health. Studies show that one such method that can assist in improving brain function and fostering emotions of general well-being, contentment, and happiness is meditation.

3 meditations for happy hormones
3 meditations for happy hormones

3 meditations for happy hormones

What are Happy Hormones

Happy hormones, also known as neurotransmitters, are chemicals in the brain that contribute to feelings of happiness, well-being, and an overall positive mood. The main happy hormones include:

  1. Dopamine is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. It plays a crucial role in experiencing pleasure from activities like eating, socializing, and accomplishing goals.
  2. Serotonin regulates mood, sleep, appetite, and digestion. It promotes feelings of happiness, contentment, and relaxation. Imbalances in serotonin levels are linked to mood disorders like depression and anxiety.
  3. Endorphins act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. They are released in response to stress and pain, helping to alleviate discomfort and induce feelings of euphoria and well-being.
  4. Oxytocin: Known as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” oxytocin is released during social bonding, intimacy, and positive social interactions. It fosters trust, empathy, and connection with others.

We can learn to be more conscious through meditation. One of the happiest things that one can experience is being able to fully enjoy and remain in the present moment. Over time, even a short daily meditation session can help you clear your head and adopt a more compassionate, loving outlook on life. Additionally, meditation practice lowers stress hormones and raises happy ones.

“The mind requires sustenance just like the body does. One way to do this is through holistic activities like meditation. Because the mind and body are intertwined and cannot be separated, taking care of one entails taking care of the other. We can feel happiness and general well-being when we meditate. This is because meditation practice causes the body to create joyful

Relationship between Meditation and hormones

Meditation has been shown to positively impact the levels of happy hormones in the body, promoting the release of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. Through regular practice, meditation stimulates these neurotransmitters, fostering feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, emotional stability, and social connection. As a result, individuals who incorporate meditation into their daily routines often experience enhanced well-being, reduced stress, and greater overall happiness.

3 meditations for happy hormones

1. Sthiti dhyan meditation for improved happy hormones

As the name implies, the focus of this type of meditation is on improving your memory of what you see by paying attention to the current moment. Enhancing your consciousness through this type of meditation will help increase your happiness.


  • Assume any comfortable sitting position, including Sukhasana.
  • Take five seconds to look forward, five seconds to look back, and five seconds to look to the right and left.
  • Now, close your eyes and try to remember as much of what you saw as possible.
2. Ultra-powerful prayer

This kind of meditation is also very beneficial since it affects how quickly your body heals itself. You can relax, elevate your mood, and quiet your mind with the aid of meditation practices. You may embrace happy feelings and let go of negativity by practicing meditation.


  • To practice this, take a seat in Sukhasana or any other comfortable pose that forms a pyramid on the top of the mountain.
  • The idea is to sit atop a mountain in the shape of a triangle.
  • As you meditate in this posture, picture a reverse triangle shield inside your chest.
  • As you meditate, this shield enables you to welcome all the good energy from the universe into yourself with each breath. Furthermore, when you exhale, you rid yourself of unwelcome pollutants, sorrows, and negativity.
3. Tratak in the flame

Tratak is about focusing on a flame, sharpening focus, and letting go of negative emotions like rage. It has enormous advantages for mood regulation.

What you require?

  • A cosy carpet for seating
  • An earthen diya, or lamp
  • Oil or ghee
  • A cotton wick
  • Matchsticks
  • A desk or stool


  • To prepare the diya, insert a wick into it first, and then pour oil or ghee on top.
  • Light the diya and set it down on the stool or desk.
  • Make sure the flame is facing you and at eye level, meaning it should be parallel to your eyes.
  • To start, choose a seat 4–5 feet away from the flame. The length varies based on your height. You shouldn’t sit too close or too far away.
  • Make sure your neck is relaxed as you gaze at the flame.
  • Adopt a comfortable sitting position (preferably Sukhasana or Padmasana)
  • Extend your back and rest your hands palm-up on your knees.
  • Form the Gyaan Mudra by joining your thumb and index fingers.
  • Focus all of your attention and your gaze on the flame.
  • Pay attention to how the flame’s tip moves.
  • Make an effort to minimize your blinking.
  • If you notice your thoughts straying, return them to the flame.
  • After practicing, close your eyes for a short period of time to relieve any strain that may have built up in them.

Direction: Look eastward

Frequently Asked Questions

3 meditations for happy hormones

Does meditation increase happy hormones?

Meditation causes levels of the pleasure neurotransmitter dopamine, the happy neurotransmitter serotonin, and the calming neurotransmitter GABA to rise. And in people who practice on a daily basis, they send signals more routinely.

How do I activate my happy hormones?

  • Exercise.
  • Partake in fulfilling activities that leave a smile on your face.
  • Light exposure to sunlight.
  • Eating chocolate (in moderation)
  • Focus on eating foods that are high in tryptophan.
  • Playing with pets.
  • Hugging or kissing a loved one.
  • Meditating.

Can meditation balance hormones?

MEDITATE. Research has shown conclusively that meditation helps to reduce stress hormones and increases a beneficial hormone called DHEA, which is the building block for hormone production and a natural anti-ageing hormone.

What are the 4 pleasure hormones?

Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. You can boost levels of these hormones with some simple lifestyle changes, like diet, exercise, and meditation, and possibly improve your mood in the process.

What are the 5 happy hormones?

When it comes to happiness, in particular, the primary signalling chemicals include:

  • Serotonin.
  • Dopamine.
  • Endorphins.
  • Oxytocin.

What are the 5 love hormones?

Testosterone and oestrogen drive lust; dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin create attraction; and oxytocin and vasopressin mediate attachment.

What is the sad hormone called?

Production of serotonin: serotonin is a hormone that affects your mood, appetite, and sleep; a lack of sunlight may lead to lower serotonin levels, which is linked to feelings of depression.

3 meditations for happy hormones
3 meditations for happy hormones


3 meditations for happy hormones

“To start, try putting any or all of these meditation techniques into practice for five to ten minutes each day. Additionally, you can designate particular days of the week for a particular kind of meditation. Try gradually extending the length of your meditation sessions. Any seating position that is comfortable can be used for each meditation practice.”

So, this is how the topic “3 meditations for happy hormones” has been addressed.

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