12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

Here we are going to share information on the topic “12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises.” Most people’s exercise regimens don’t give their posterior deltoids, often known as rear delts, enough attention. With these top 12 rear delt dumbbell exercises, you may increase strength and size. Let’s change that.

It would be impossible to effectively target the rear delt muscle with a barbell; instead, you can work it in a variety of hand and body postures by using dumbbells. If you want to strengthen your shoulders, correct your posture, lower your chance of suffering a shoulder injury, and look better overall, keep reading.

12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises
12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises


The rear deltoids The rear muscle of the three-headed deltoid muscle is known as the rear deltoids. The name “delta” (Greek for “delta”) and the posterior or back placement of the deltoid muscle refer to its triangular shape.

It forms the rounded curve of the shoulder by resting over the glenohumeral joint. The inferior border of the scapula is the origin of the rear delt, which ends at the upper arm bone.


We should work on the shoulder muscles before moving on to the dumbbell workouts for the back delts. Three primary muscles make up the shoulder:

The anterior deltoid muscle, which is found on the front of the shoulder and upper arm, allows the shoulder to rotate inward. The front delt is the objective of exercises like pushups and front lifts.

The medial/lateral deltoid, which is located on the side of the upper arm, aids with arm abduction during workouts like lateral raises.

The posterior deltoids, which are found behind the shoulder blades and upper limbs, allow us to rotate laterally and stretch our arms. In addition to being engaged in exercises like reverse flys, which require the arms to travel behind the body, rear delts also assist in maintaining an upright posture to prevent hunching over.


The movement of the shoulder in horizontal abduction, in which the shoulder is internally rotated, or shoulder extension, in which the arms are extended behind the hips, is the primary function of the rear delt.

It is also in charge of the shoulder’s external rotation. Many pulling exercises target the rear delts, which also serve as a stabilising muscle during pressing workouts like the overhead press.


Dumbbell exercises that require you to bend over while sitting or to hinge forward at the hips when standing are the most effective ways to work your rear delts.

Dumbbells can also be used to target the rear delts in other body postures, such as lying on your side and externally rotating your shoulder, lying face down and doing the same, or raising your arms away from your body. These body positions are shown in the 12 exercises that follow.

12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

Squeezing the shoulder blades together and concentrating on tightening the muscle are the keys to performing these dumbbell rear delt exercises. The rear deltoid muscle can be isolated using the following dumbbell workouts, negating the requirement for extremely large weights.

Work with a weight that will cause your muscles to fatigue but won’t put you in danger of injury. Lifting the weights should be done deliberately and slowly!

Now let’s begin with the top 12 dumbbell workouts for the back delts.


Start with a lighter dumbbell because technique is crucial for all exercises, but shoulder motions in particular. Additionally, if you’re exercising at home without a bench, think outside the box! You can proceed, for example, by pushing two chairs together.

Do the side-lying dumbbell raise as follows:

  • Place your inactive arm on the ground and brace yourself while lying on your side on a bench.
  • To begin, grasp the dumbbell with an overhand grip and bend your elbow 90 degrees to position your upper arm parallel to the ground.
  • Contracting your rear delt will raise your arm and hold the dumbbell vertical until your elbow is pointed upward.
  • Return to the starting position gradually.
  • Repeat three times for a total of eight to twelve repetitions.

If you enjoy the Y rise, you might also enjoy the standing IYT raise. These dumbbell arm workouts feature a variety of isolation exercises that target the biceps, triceps, and shoulders. To go well with your back delts, you must adore well-defined arm muscles!

The Dumbbell Incline-Y Raise technique:

  • Place a bench with a 45-degree slope.
  • With your knees slightly bent and your feet flat on the floor, take a face-first position on the bench.
  • With an overhand grip and your arms hanging straight below your shoulders, hold the weights.
  • Maintaining your arms straight until they are fully extended, raise the weight up and out.
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • Repeat 8–12 times in 2-3 sets.

We must not overlook the remaining portion of the IYT rise. Get ready for your shoulders to burn on your backs!

How the Dumbbell Incline Is Done T-Raise:

  • Position yourself face down with your feet on the floor behind you and your knees bent.
  • Set up a bench at an angle of between 30 and 45 degrees.
  • Using an underhand grip, hold dumbbells such that they dangle directly behind your shoulders while your arms are extended.
  • Pull your shoulder blades together and extend your arms out to the sides, maintaining their straightness until they are parallel to the ground.
  • Return to the starting position gradually.
  • For 8–12 repetitions, repeat 2-3 sets.
4. Seated dumbbell rear fly:

The seated dumbbell rear fly requires slow, consistent movements. Additionally, bear in mind that lifting weights too heavy puts you in danger of injury for many of these workouts, including this one.

  • The seated dumbbell rear fly exercise is performed by sitting on the end of a bench with your feet hip-width apart on the floor in front of you.
  • With your back flat and your hips bent, lean forward while holding dumbbells with a neutral grip.
  • Lift up and out to the side until your elbows are in line with your shoulders after lowering weights toward the ground while maintaining a small bend in your elbows.
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • Repeat 2–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions.

Any head support will do for this exercise; just make sure it’s not too hard (ouch!) and that it allows you to maintain a neutral spine during the exercise.

How to Perform the Head-Supported Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise:

  • Place a bench at an angle.
  • Dumbbells should be held in a neutral grip.
  • Bend forward, hinge at the hips, and rest your forehead on the bench.
  • Dumbbells should be hung beneath you to begin, with your elbows slightly bent.
  • Pull weights laterally by tensing your rear delt muscles.
  • Return to the starting position gradually.
  • For 8–12 repetitions, repeat 2-3 sets.

This exercise allows you to engage your back belts by rotating your wrists. Not only that, but this technique will also strengthen your lateral shoulders. This is a very powerful exercise because your lateral delts are a major component of your bolder shoulders!

The Incline Dumbbell Reverse Fly with Wrist Rotation is performed as follows:

  • Place a bench at a 45-degree incline.
  • First, place your face down and grasp the dumbbells with an overhand grip.
  • Raise the weights to the sides, bending slightly at the elbows, then rotate your wrists until you are holding the dumbbells at shoulder height in a neutral grip.
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • Repeat 2–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions.

During this workout, pay close attention to your mind-muscle connection to make sure your rear dents are engaged and exerting maximum force during the pulling motion.

Dumbbell Rear Delt Pull Technique:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart while standing.
  • Dumbbells should be held at your sides in a neutral grip.
  • Squeeze your back delts and contract your shoulders as you raise the weights straight up, bending your elbows until they are above your hips.
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • Repeat for two to three sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

For individuals who are keen to lift weights, you can use a larger weight for this exercise. To be sure you aren’t turning your torso during the action, just be sure to use a mirror.

How to Perform Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Over Rows:

  • Use a neutral grip on a dumbbell in your left hand.
  • Place your right knee on the bench beneath your hips while standing next to a bench, and support yourself with your right hand under your shoulder.
  • maintaining an engaged core and a neutral spine. Retract your scapula as you lower the dumbbell to the floor.
  • When the weight reaches your side, raise it while bending your elbow.
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • Change positions
  • For 8–12 repetitions, repeat 2-3 sets.

Pay attention to maintaining a neutral spine and a torso parallel to the floor when doing this exercise. Take it easy when performing this exercise to avoid using your entire back.

The Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Exercise:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Maintain a neutral grip while holding dumbbells, leaning forward at the hips until your body is nearly parallel to the floor.
  • Raise the weights to shoulder height by contracting your rear delts while maintaining a neutral spine and slightly bent elbows.
  • Return to the starting position gradually.
  • Repeat for two to three sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

Want to intensify a difficult manoeuvre even further? Make it a unilateral exercise by working the fly action of the rear delts on one side at a time.

How to Perform the Bent Over Alternating Rear Delt Fly with a Dumbbell:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Maintain a neutral grip while holding dumbbells, leaning forward at the hips until your body is nearly parallel to the floor.
  • Raise the weight to shoulder height by contracting your back delta while maintaining a neutral spine and slightly bent elbows.
  • Return to the starting position slowly and repeat with the other arm, switching sides.
  • Repeat for two to three sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

Here, any kind of support will do; just make sure it’s stable and won’t collapse on you. Exercises that are unilateral guarantee that your rear delta is exerting maximum effort, which is excellent for muscular building.

How to Perform the Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Reverse Fly:

  • Place a bench with an inclination of about 90 degrees.
  • Place your feet hip-width apart and use an overhand grip to grasp a dumbbell while you stand behind the bench.
  • Reach up with your inactive arm to brace yourself on the bench, then hinge at the hips.
  • Contract your rear delt to bring the weight up and out to your side until your elbow is level with your shoulder, while keeping your elbow slightly bent and the weight beneath your chest.
  • Return to the starting position gradually.
  • Change positions
  • Repeat for two to three sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

To help you concentrate during workouts like this one, visualise pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades as you retract them. Little tweaks like retraction of the shoulders can have a big impact on your lifts!

How to Perform a Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Row with Dumbbells

  • Place your feet hip-width apart while sitting on the end of a bench.
  • With an overhand grip on the dumbbells, bend forward while maintaining a straight back.
  • Retract your shoulder blades while keeping your arms straight and your weight behind your legs. bending at the elbows and raising the weight straight up until it reaches just past your knees
  • Reduce gradually to the starting point.
  • For 8–12 repetitions, repeat 2-3 sets.
12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises
12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

3 rear delt workouts with bodyweight

Moreover, you can work on your rear delts at home with bodyweight exercises or common household materials like towels. To target the back delts without using equipment, you should be aware of their function.

Here are three bodyweight posterior shoulder exercises to try out.


You might need to focus on improving your shoulder mobility first if you find this exercise difficult.

How to Apply

  • Put yourself in the reverse plank position, facing up, with your arms beneath your shoulders, your palms facing the floor, and your hips stacked beneath your feet.
  • Keep your hips up and your back straight while you engage your core.
  • For thirty seconds, maintain the position.
  • Do ten repetitions again.
  • Repeat two to three sets of ten repetitions.

This exercise works your core as well as your shoulders.

How to Apply

  • Place your forearms in a plank position.
  • Lower your shoulders gradually.
  • Put your shoulder blades and rear delts into contraction to return to the plank posture.
  • Repeat two or three times for fifteen repetitions.

This bodyweight workout will scorch your shoulders. The finest aspect? Basically, you can do it anywhere there’s enough room to lie down.

How to Apply

  • With your feet flat on the ground, your knees bent, and your arms extended to the sides, assume a supine position.
  • Your torso should lift off the ground while you contract your back delts and press into the ground with your forearms.
  • Return to the starting position slowly.
  • Repeat steps two and three.

Frequently asked questions

12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

Are dumbbell rows good for the rear delts?

Indeed, dumbbell rows are an excellent back delt exercise. The benefit of dumbbell rows is that you can concentrate on lifting with one arm at a time while using the other arm to support your body.

What is the most effective rear delt exercise?

11 Top Exercises for Rear Delts

  • bent-over rows using a barbell. Ball cobras with Ni bodyweight stability.
  • Arnold does dumbbell presses.
  • Dumbbell flybacks in reverse.
  • Dumbbell Y is a raised incline.
  • Dumbbell rows have an inclined back delt.
  • flipped rows.
  • Flip the deck and fly over.

Is 2 sets enough for rear delts?

High reps are ideal since the back delts respond very well to high volume. My favourite set-up consists of two sets: a set with as heavy a weight as you can lift for 30–40 repetitions, then a second set with 20–30 repetitions.

Are delts difficult to grow?

For many, developing the delts is an incredibly difficult muscle group. That being said, most of us have no trouble building our front delts due to all the pressing we perform. Where we have trouble is with the side delts. That’s in spite of the innumerable Google searches for “How to Build Shoulders.”

Do pull-ups hit the rear delts?

Pull-ups mostly target your biceps and back, but you can also use them to mildly activate your rear delts. In order to accomplish this, you’ll need to slightly alter your form by drawing your elbows closer together as you raise yourself. This will facilitate a fuller contraction of the rear delts during the activity.

Can I train rear delts every day?

Daily rear delt training is not necessary. In fact, your training should be so intense that you should take at least a day off between sessions of the same muscle group! Work out your rear delts two to three times a week, but make sure to gradually overload the muscle by doing more repetitions or heavier weights.

Are dips good for rear delts?

Do shoulder dips work them out? Indeed, dips will strengthen certain shoulder muscles. The front deltoids and a small amount of the lateral delts are the primary shoulder muscles used during dips. However, they don’t strengthen your back deltoids.


12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises

In conclusion, you can effectively target and improve the often-overlooked rear deltoid muscles by including a variety of dumbbell rear delt movements into your training programme. People can improve posture, strengthen their shoulders, and create balanced muscles for overall upper body strength and attractiveness by choosing one of the top 12 exercises.

So, this is how the topic “12 best dumbbell rear delt exercises” has been addressed.

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