15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

Here we are going to share the information on the topic “15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight”. The pace at which your body uses and transforms energy is known as your metabolism. Numerous things influence it, and the rate varies throughout individuals. Weight reduction is associated with a rapid metabolism, but if your metabolism is too quick, it may be difficult to maintain a healthy weight. On the other hand, a slow metabolism might help you gain weight if you choose to gain weight or if you are underweight since it uses calories less effectively, which causes weight gain.

15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight
15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

Some simple and efficient methods for slowing down your metabolism are covered in this article.

What is the metabolic process?

The intricate series of chemical processes that take place inside your body’s cells are referred to as metabolism. The food you eat is transformed into energy your body can use by these reactions. There are two primary metabolic processes:

Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates are broken down during the catabolic process to provide energy.


In contrast, anabolism makes use of the energy released during catabolism to support development as well as the construction and repair of bodily tissues.

Your metabolism is always in action, even when you’re sleeping. It operates at a rate that is determined by your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which varies depending on the person. Numerous factors, such as age, gender, genetics, and muscle mass, influence the BMR.

how to slow down metabolism for skinny guys

Methods For Decreasing Metabolism

A highlight of the metabolic rate

Within the context of health and fitness, metabolic rate refers to the speed at which an individual’s body burns calories. While some individuals have a low (or slow) metabolic rate, others have a high (or quick) metabolic rate. Our metabolic rate can be influenced by various variables, such as:

  • Age: Sarcopenia, an age-related loss of muscle, causes our metabolism to frequently slow down as we become older.
  • Gender: The average metabolism of men is higher than that of women.
  • Muscle mass: A larger amount of muscle indicates a quicker metabolism.
  • Body size: Generally speaking, a higher weight corresponds with a faster metabolism.
  • Physical activity: Increasing your level of exercise helps speed up your metabolism.
  • Hormones: Depending on the condition, hormone problems can cause the metabolism to speed up or slow down. For example, Cushing’s syndrome slows it down, whereas hyperthyroidism accelerates it up.
Our metabolic rate can also be influenced by our diet and activities:

The energy required to break down and transform food into energy is known as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). Protein has a greater thermic effect than simple carbs and lipids. As the TEF grows, metabolic rates will also climb.

Thermic Effect of Activity (TEA)

Our daily caloric expenditure is directly correlated with our amount of activity. Put simply, a higher metabolism and increased physical activity lead to increased calorie burn.

The energy used for activities unrelated to deliberate exercise is known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, or NEAT (such as walking from your car to work, fidgeting, sitting, standing, etc.). You will burn more calories if you move around more during the course of your awake hours. The more organized you are every day, the higher your metabolism will probably be.

15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

15 Items That Cause Your Metabolism To Slow

1. Your Genetics

Your body uses metabolism to convert food into energy. Your body burns calories slowly during rest or sleep if that’s something you inherited from your parents.

What you can do is concentrate on your habits as you cannot alter your DNA. Increasing your workout routine is one of the finest strategies to speed up your metabolism. Seek opportunities to fit in extra exercise during the day.

2. Hormones

Changes in your hormones have the power to limit how much energy your body uses. That may wear you out. Certain ailments, such as diabetes and an overactive or underactive thyroid, are hormonal disorders that impact your metabolism. Hormones released under stress may also cause a slowdown.

What you can do is continue receiving therapy if you have a medical condition. And give immediate stress relief top priority.

3. You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for maintaining a steady metabolism. Your body has a tougher time utilizing energy when you toss and turn all night long, which increases the likelihood of diseases like diabetes and obesity.

What you can do: Adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep on average. Try it for a week and notice how much better you feel if you’re not there already.

4. Strict Nutrition Plans

It matters how you shed pounds. Insufficient food causes your metabolism to slow down. Severe diets educate your body to function on less calories, especially if you combine them with exercise. This may backfire because it becomes more difficult to lose weight because your body holds on to those calories.

What you can do is stick to a sensible weight-loss strategy rather than a severe one, even though it might take longer.

5. Salt Trend

Sea salt is quite popular among chefs and foodies. It can be found at fine dining establishments and gourmet kitchens. However, it doesn’t include iodine, which your thyroid needs to control metabolism.

What you can do is satisfy that urge with a dash of iodized table salt. Or savor a dish high in iodine, such as shrimp.

6. You’re Dry as of

Insufficient Water can cause your metabolism to slow down. A large, cold glass of water would be nice. According to several research, it promotes weight loss by assisting the body in burning calories. Water also makes you feel fuller, which makes you eat less at any temperature.

What you can do is drink it all day long. Additionally, you can consume more naturally high-water foods like cucumbers and melons.

7. You Sip  Decaf Coffee

If you enjoy a cup before going to bed, this is a good choice. However, you won’t get the caffeine boost that ignites your metabolic engine. Recall that coffee may have an impact on blood sugar levels, according to some study. Thus, if you have diabetes, you might need to restrict it.

What you can do is focus on the other advice in this slideshow if you are unable to handle caffeine. Your metabolism can be boosted by a variety of factors, so make use of them all.

8. Insufficient Calcium

It’s not just your bones that require it. In addition to all of the other benefits it provides for your body, it is an essential ingredient for a quick metabolism. There are many who don’t receive enough of it.

What you can do: There’s no shortage of delectable options! Of course, dairy products and milk are good sources of calcium. It’s also present in a lot of fortified foods, including tofu, canned salmon, turnip greens, kale, and orange juice, as well as cereals and soy or almond milk.

9. The Temperature Is Too High

Heating things up in the bedroom isn’t always a good idea, at least not in terms of your metabolism. At 75 degrees, room temperature, your body does not produce brown fat, which is high in cells that burn calories.

What you can do: Brown-fat levels are raised when the temperature is lowered to 66 degrees before bed. Regularly going for quick walks outside may also help throughout the colder months.

10. Your prescription drugs

Your metabolism may be slowed down by some medicines. These comprise a variety of antidepressants and specific antipsychotics that physicians prescribe to treat schizophrenia. That effect is also possible with many other drugs, such as those that reduce the heart rate.

What you can do is inform your physician if you suspect there may be a problem with your medicines. Maybe there’s something else you could take in its place.

Loss of Weight and Obesity

11. Trimming Carbs

Yes, cutting less on harmful carbs will help you lose weight and burn fat more quickly. However, in order for your body to produce insulin, they are necessary. Always consume fewer carbs to reduce your production of this important hormone. You stop burning as many calories as you used to because your metabolism slows down.

What you can do is consume whole wheat flour and sweet potatoes, as well as other nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, and grains. They will prevent you from straying from your goals by controlling your metabolism and squelching desires.

12. Having a nighttime routine

Working the night shift or taking a red-eye flight throws off your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. These alterations may result in various issues including diabetes and obesity as well as a slow metabolism.

Actions that you can take: Give your body a new clock. Opt for an alternate departure time if you frequently travel red-eye flights. Consult your doctor about healthy strategies to get back on track if you work at night and are unable to alter.

13. Modifying the Times of Meals

It matters just as much when you eat as what you consume. Meal skipping or grabbing something on the run causes jet lag in both social and metabolic domains. Changing the timing of your meals can seriously disrupt your metabolism and increase your risk of heart disease.

What you can do is plan and adhere to a regular eating schedule for your family.

14. Prolonged Stress

Your body produces the hormone cortisol when you are under stress. It’s designed to provide you with a brief energy boost. However, if you’re in a state of chronic stress, your body continues to produce cortisol because it believes you still need to fight. Elevations of this hormone impede your body’s ability to utilise insulin. That slows down your metabolism and contributes to weight gain.

What You Can Do: Look for strategies to help you relax. Take a deep breath. Engage in a passion project. Discover what suits you best.

15. Consuming a Lot of Fat

It is never a good idea to overindulge in fatty foods like buttery treats and greasy hamburgers. It alters the way that food and nutrients are metabolised by your body. The way your body uses insulin is also impacted. Insulin resistance is what it is known as, and it has been connected to diabetes and obesity.

What you can do is increase your intake of fruits and veggies and water. Shellfish, peppers, and beans are other excellent choices.


15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

In conclusion, even though a lot of people work to increase their metabolism in order to lose weight, other people are faced with the problem of having a naturally quick metabolism combined with a desire to gain weight. Examining the top 15 strategies for slowing down metabolism can offer insightful information to individuals aiming to meet their weight gain objectives. These tactics can be customized to fit specific tastes and lifestyles, ranging from adding resistance training and strength training to changing eating habits and emphasizing enough sleep.

It is imperative that this procedure be approached with an emphasis on general health and wellbeing. Achieving permanent outcomes requires striking a balance between the desire for weight gain and nutrient-dense food choices, frequent exercise, and enough rest. It’s crucial to speak with dietitians or medical specialists to develop a customized strategy that supports each person’s unique health objectives.

Keep in mind that each person has a different body, so what works for one person might not work for another. A holistic strategy, coupled with persistence and patience, is essential when starting a weight-gain and metabolism-slowing journey. People can successfully achieve their weight gain goals and work toward living a better, more balanced lifestyle by implementing these evidence-based methods.

15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight
15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

Frequently asked questions

15 best way to slow down metabolism to gain weight

1. How do I make my metabolism slower?

Answer: Seven Strategies to Decrease Your Metabolism

Consume Foods High in Calorie Intentionally. This is undoubtedly something that many worried friends and family have told you.

Monitor Your Calorie Consumption; Increase Your Appetite; Include Extras in Your Meals; Include a High-Calorie, High-Protein Supplement Food in Your Diet; Seek Assistance; and Have Fun.

2. How do I stop my metabolism from being fast?

Answer: Methods to Decrease Metabolism While Fasting. It could be dangerous to use this procedure if you’re not careful.

Eat Meals More Often and Larger. You can attempt this strategy in place of fasting if you’d like.

Steer clear of coffee; adopt a high-fat diet; observe a thoughtful sleep schedule; use medications; engage in low-intensity exercise

3. What is the 2 2 2 method metabolism?

Answer: 2 2 2 Method Metabolism: What Is It? 2 2 2 Approach There are two stages to the six-week trip called metabolism. For the first two weeks, the emphasis is on eating two meals a day, such as pasta, omelettes, pancakes, and bacon, that are high in protein and carbs. Your body gains the necessary skills to appropriately burn carbohydrates during this time.

4. What is high metabolism symptoms?

Answer: Some of the most common indicators of a rapid metabolism are as follows:

  • Inability to put on weight.
  • Anemia.
  • Struggling to stay at the ideal weight.
  • Sweating a lot.
  • Having a lot of energy or being hyperactive.
  • An elevated heart rate.
  •  Breathing more heavily.
  • Elevated body temperature even in the absence of physical exercise.

5. Does fasting slow metabolism?

Answer: It is commonly known that prolonged fasting can result in a decrease in metabolic rate. But according to some earlier research, fasting for brief periods of time can actually speed up your metabolism rather than slow it down.

6. What are the two phases of food metabolism?

Answer: Anabolism, the process of building up body tissues and energy stores, and catabolism, the process of breaking down body structures and energy stores to get additional fuel for bodily processes, are two types of simultaneous activities that make up metabolism (called catabolism)

7. How can I check my metabolism at home?

Answer: Hormones and other markers that impact metabolism can be measured with at-home metabolism tests. They might serve as the initial step in figuring out how well your metabolism is working. You may be asked to provide a sample of your blood, saliva, or both for these tests. After that, you send your samples to a lab for analysis.

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