15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement

Welcome, yoga enthusiasts and health seekers, to a transformative exploration into the realm of enhancing kidney function through the ancient and rejuvenating practice of yoga. Today, we dive into a comprehensive guide that unveils the power of 15 carefully curated yoga asanas specifically designed to nurture and boost the health of our vital kidneys.

15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement
15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement

15 Yoga Asanas for Kidney Function Improvement—the title itself echoes the promise of a holistic journey towards better renal well-being. As we embark on this yogic expedition, let’s delve into the significance of each posture, understanding how they contribute to the overall improvement of kidney function.

In the cacophony of modern living, where stress and sedentary lifestyles often take a toll on our health, these 15 yoga asanas emerge as beacons of hope and restoration. Picture each asana as a stepping stone, guiding us towards a serene river of well-being where the flow of vitality meets the resilience of our kidneys.

15 Yoga Asanas for Kidney Function Improvement It’s not just a title; it’s a mantra for embracing a holistic approach to health. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a newcomer to the mat, these asanas invite you to weave a tapestry of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, all intricately connected to the enhancement of your kidney function.

Located in the middle of your back, on either side of your spine, are the two bean-shaped, crimson organs called your kidneys. Their primary function is blood filtration. A house’s hot water heater’s worth of fluid can be processed daily by the roughly a million microscopic filters found in each kidney. The kidney’s filters sort and retain materials that your body may require, including a large amount of water and certain nutrients, when blood flows through them. Extra water and nutrients, together with harmful wastes, are directed towards the adjacent bladder, where they are expelled as urine.

15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement
These are the top 15 yoga poses and exercises for renal disease patients to effectively address bacterial symptoms.

The Best Asanas for Yoga to Heal Kidneys:

1. Salamba Bhujangasana
  • If you’re thinking about using yoga to cure renal illness, this pose might be beneficial.
  • This pose stimulates the stomach organs and strengthens the spine.
2.Matsyendrasana Ardha
  • This is another important yoga pose that helps heal renal problems because it increases the suppleness of the spine, stimulates the kidneys, and boosts immunity.
  • For this asana, it would be beneficial if you sat up straight with your legs spread, your feet together, and your spine straight.

3. The Bhujangasana

  • This yoga mudra can be used to cure kidney disorders by the majority of individuals.
  • This yoga pose can help relieve tension and weariness as well as stimulate the abdominal organs.

4. Sana Paschimottana

  • This yoga pose may be perfect for you if you’re searching for a way to strengthen your kidneys.
  • Sitting up straight with your spine erect and your legs spread wide would be ideal. This pose has the potential to improve digestion and stimulate the kidneys.
5. Bandhasana Setu
  • Setu Bandhasana is a further beneficial yoga pose that can help with renal health.
  • This pose reduces stress and helps regulate elevated blood pressure.
6. The Naukasana
  • One of the most common yoga poses for people with kidney issues is naukasana
  • which is good for strengthening your abdominal organs and enhancing your digestive system in general.
7. Mandukasana
  • Mandukasana is another popular yoga pose for people with renal issues. It is also believed to open the mind’s creative circle. Ideally, you should lie on your knees and elbows on the ground.
  • This pose strains the abdominal area and stimulates the liver and kidneys, improving their function.
8. Shashankasana

To strengthen the kidneys, this yoga pose may be crucial. Sitting on your thighs in Vajrasana with your upper body calm and straight might be beneficial. This pose nourishes the brain and eyes and increases blood flow to the head. Along with improving focus, it also aids in stress and tiredness relief.

9. The Pawanmuktasana
  • This pose may be a good way to improve kidney function when practising yoga.
  • This pose may be quite beneficial for lowering belly fat around the kidneys and other parts of the abdomen.

The Best Workouts for Better Kidney Health:

10. Walking

In general, doctors advise individuals with kidney issues to perform this activity. Walking is a vital physical activity that improves the posture of your kidneys and keeps you healthy. You should begin walking for a shorter amount of time at first and work your way up to thirty minutes each day. It can enhance blood circulation and treat cardiovascular disorders.

11. Running or Jogging

Physicians frequently believe that jogging is the greatest type of exercise for patients with chronic kidney disease. Although walking is the most common type of exercise, jogging requires a little more work. Similar to the last scenario, you must begin with a shorter duration and work your way up to at least 30 minutes per day or roughly 30 miles per week. It encourages the stimulation of the abdominal organs and increases stamina.

12. Horticulture

Although most people view gardening as a hobby, physicians also view it as a beneficial form of exercise for renal issues. For this, patients can concentrate on tasks like gardening, hedge trimming, and yard mowing. They feel better about themselves when they contribute to the environment, which improves their mental health. Conversely, it decreases blood pressure and promotes blood circulation.

13. Climbing the Steps

Climbing stairs is an exercise routine that is beneficial for enhancing kidney health and is typically performed by most people. You can improve your kidney conditions by doing this in your gym with artificial stairs or in your apartment complex. You should think about spending ten to fifteen minutes ascending stairs at least three times a week.

14. Cycling

In addition to exploring various workouts and yoga poses to enhance kidney function, one ought to think about riding or cycling. These kinds of activities are recognised to be crucial for blood circulation. Biking can be attempted at least twice a week. You can do this by riding your bike around your house or by engaging in outdoor biking activities.

15. Mountaineering

And last, hiking can be a beneficial kind of exercise for people with CKD. Walking on a daily basis has been shown to improve blood circulation and stamina in individuals with kidney disease. By improving breathing capabilities and minimising dyspnea in kidney patients, hiking further mitigates the same. They become more physically fit as well.

15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement

Five yoga poses to keep your kidneys in good condition

1. Paschimottanasana, or the Seated Forward Bend:

Assume Dandasana at first, stretching your legs forward and bringing your ankles together. Bend gently at the knees while maintaining your legs straight. Keep your back straight and raise your arms in the air. Let go of the air in your tummy by exhaling. Bring your upper body onto your lower body by bending forward at the hips. Maintaining a straight back, try to draw your stomach in closer to your thighs. Reach down and place a fingertip hold on your big toes. Try to contact your knees with your nose while laying your stomach on your thighs. Keep the position for some time.


  • Aids in digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Balances the pelvic and abdominal regions.
  • Stabilizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Reduces tension, weariness, and moderate depression. • Promotes relaxation and brain calmness.
  • Stimulates the uterus, ovaries, kidneys, and liver.
  • Eases menstruation and menopausal symptoms and enhances digestion.
  • Soothes headaches, anxiety, and high blood pressure.
2. Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose:

Assume a prone position to start. With a firm grip, bend your knees and grasp your ankles with your palms. Lift your legs and arms as high as you can. Pose for a while with your head raised.


  • Allows the shoulders to open.
  • Reduces fat around the abdomen.
  • Provides abdominal organ massage.
  • Increases back flexibility.

3. Chakrasana – Wheel Pose:

Method: Lie down on your back. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor and bend your legs at the knees. Bend your arms at the elbows, with palms toward the sky. With your palms on the floor on either side of your head, rotate your arms at the shoulders. Take a breath, lift your entire body to create an arch, and apply pressure to your legs and palms. Let your head slowly fall behind you while you look back and slacken your neck. Assign each of your four limbs an equal amount of body weight. Keep the position for some time.


  • Expands the chest and enhances lung capacity.
  • Lessens bodily tension and stress.
  • Builds stronger limb and hand muscles
4. The Frog Pose, or Mandakasana

With your arms out in front of you, assume the Vajrasana pose. Put your thumbs into your palms, around it with your other four fingers, and clench your fist. Put your closed fists over your navel and bend your arms at the elbows. Place your upper body over your lower body by bending it. Lean your head back and look straight ahead.


  • A piece of advise
  • This pose should not be performed by pregnant women.
  • According to Akshar, “One must avoid this asana if they are feeling ankle pain or have recently had surgery or an injury to their ankles or ligaments.
  • This pose should be avoided if one has ulcers.
  • If you have back or knee pain or injury, please do not execute this pose.
5. Adomukhiswanasna

Start on your hands and knees. Place your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Raise your hips to adopt this stance, which will straighten your knees. Make sure your feet are positioned in an inverted “V.” Keep your hands apart by shoulder width. Make an effort to contact the floor with your heels. Keep the posture for a short while.

How Beneficial Are Yoga Poses and Exercises for Patients with Kidney Disease?

Medical study indicates that patients with complex renal illnesses can benefit greatly from regular exercise and yoga. By increasing your level of physical activity, exercising helps you stay sedentary. It strengthens your muscles, which helps the blood rid itself of excess pollutants. It relieves you of tension and weariness, which benefits your physical and mental well-being inadvertently. Sweating during exercise helps the kidneys by excreting waste products that the kidneys are in charge of.

Who Should Not Perform Yoga Asanas and Exercises?

It’s a popular misconception that people with kidney disease shouldn’t exercise. However, this is mostly inaccurate. Yoga is appropriate for nearly all kidney patients. On the other hand, you should refrain from exercising beyond what is advised. Additionally, if you have any kind of injury, you should refrain from exercising.

Disclaimer: Make sure your body is healthy enough to do the necessary movements and postures by consulting a doctor before beginning any of the aforementioned workouts without the guidance of a qualified professional.

You can reduce the likelihood of kidney issues in the future if you incorporate these yoga poses for kidney health into your normal routine and lead a healthy lifestyle.

15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement
15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement
Frequently asked questions
15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement

1. Does yoga improve kidney function?

Answer: Regular yoga practise strengthens the organs, increases blood flow, and enhances metabolism to improve liver and kidney function.

2. How can I regain my kidney function naturally?

Answer: To achieve optimal kidney function, it’s important to eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, drink enough of water, stay away from processed foods and sugary drinks, exercise frequently, stop smoking, and drink in moderation.

3. How do I make my kidneys stronger?


  • Make Sensible Decisions
  • Check for kidney disease in your urine and blood.
  • Take control of your diabetes, hypertension, or heart condition.
  • As directed by your physician, take your medications.
  • Reduce your salt intake.
  • Select heart-healthy foods for yourself.
  • Engage in physical activity.
  • Lose weight if you’re overweight.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.

4. Can kidney function go back to normal?

Answer: Severe renal failure necessitates life-threatening care. However, acute renal failure may be reversible. You might regain normal or almost normal kidney function if everything else in your body is in good condition.

5. What can repair kidney function?

Answer: Sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, apples, blueberries, and salmon are healthy meals that promote kidney recovery.

6. What foods are bad for kidneys?


Salt. Excessive sodium intake raises blood pressure, which strains the kidneys.

Sugar. A sweet tooth is not necessary to indulge in sugar.

Drinks; Meat and Dairy Products; Coffee; Genetically Engineered Organisms (GMOs)

7. How can I cleanse my kidneys daily?

Answer: foods that cleanse your kidneys

Drink beet juice to help the kidneys receive more blood flow. A modest 2021 investigation on the benefits of watermelon and lemon juice found none at all. Citrus fruits (including cranberries and pumpkin seeds) are thought to help avoid kidney stones.


15 yoga Asanas for kidney function improvement

Finally, adding yoga to your practise can be a life-changing, all-encompassing strategy for enhancing kidney function. This blog’s list of 15 yoga poses has been carefully chosen to focus on and promote renal health. You can experience yoga’s profound connection between mind, body, and spirit by adopting these postures in addition to engaging in a physical practise.

Beyond its physical benefits, yoga promotes mindfulness, stress reduction, and general well-being—all of which lead to a healthier way of living. Maintaining a regular practise empowers you to take control of your kidney health, as consistency is essential.

It’s crucial to remember that, even while yoga can be a beneficial addition to traditional medical therapies, you should always speak with healthcare providers before making big changes to your fitness regimen, particularly if you already have medical issues.Including yoga in your everyday routine is about developing a compassionate and aware connection with your body, not just about mastering the poses. As you set out on your path to enhance kidney function with yoga, keep in mind that it’s an individual journey and that results may differ. Pay attention to your body, respect its limitations, and relish the steady improvement that results from consistent practise.

Ultimately, you take a step toward balance, overall well-being, and self-discovery when you use yoga as a method to improve kidney function. May your yoga journey provide your kidneys and your whole being with energy, power, and peace. Namaste.

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