how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

Here we are going to share information on the topic “how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis.” In the US, renal illness is a risk factor for 33% of individuals. That represents one in three people. A significant public health risk is kidney disease. A lot of the time, kidney disease is not discovered until it is fairly advanced. Regretfully, this is the point at which dialysis or a transplant would be required.

how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis
how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

The goal is to diagnose renal disease before symptoms worsen. While routine testing is vital for everyone, those who are at risk should prioritize it even more.

It’s crucial to maintain control over your health, and if kidney disease has been detected, you may be asking how to avoid dialysis. Since kidney disease is gradual and frequently worsens over time, avoiding dialysis completely may not be possible. Dialysis is not necessary for the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in its early stages. The secret to success is treating the underlying cause of renal disease. Kidney disease effects can sometimes be mitigated or even reversed.

To maintain your health, you will require dialysis or a kidney transplant if chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops into end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Fortunately, kidney disease can be slowed down, and kidney function can be preserved in a number of ways.

how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

What Is Dialysis, Exactly?

Your body’s fluid equilibrium is maintained, and waste and poisons are eliminated by healthy kidneys. This function is replaced by dialysis, which comes in two varieties: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (PD) (HD).

Dialysate is a solution that is used in peritoneal dialysis, which uses the blood vessels in the lining of the belly, known as the peritoneum. Through a peritoneal catheter, dialysis is injected into your belly to remove toxins from your blood. Dialysate and an artificial kidney known as a dialyzer are used in hemodialysis. Hemodialysis involves the removal of blood through a vascular access, filtering it, and then reintroducing it into the body.

There are solutions that will keep you surviving if you have kidney disease and need to start dialysis—especially if you’re interested in learning more about the flexibility of home dialysis. You have more control over your treatments when you use home dialysis. More frequent home hemodialysis sessions, if recommended by your physician, may help you feel more energised and maybe reduce the amount of medicine you take.

Learn more about kidney disease, your risk, and how to prevent it by following these 6 steps.

how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis
Step 1: Ascertain these facts.

6 Functions of Healthy Kidneys:

  • Control Body Fluid Levels
  • Remove pollutants and waste products from the bloodstream. Release a hormone that controls blood pressure.
  • Turn on vitamin D to keep your bones strong.
  • Release the hormone that controls the erythrocyte manufacturing process.
  • Maintain equilibrium of blood minerals (sodium, phosphorus, potassium)

8 Issues That Kidney Disease May Bring Up:

  • Heart conditions
  • Heart attacks and strokes
  • elevated blood pressure
  • Endanger your life
  • fragile bones
  • injury to the nerves (neuropathy)
  • renal failure (end-stage kidney disease, or ESRD)
  • Low red blood cell count or anaemia
Step 2: Determine Your Level of Risk

5 Primary Risk Elements

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (you or your family)
  • Heart disease (you or your family
  • Family history of kidney failure, diabetes, or high blood pressure
  • Obesity

Additional Risk Factors:

  • Age 60 or older
  • Low birth weight
  • Prolonged use of NSAIDs, a type of painkillers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen
  • Lupus, other autoimmune disorders
  • Chronic urinary tract infections
  • Kidney stones

The first step to living a better life is determining if you are at risk for renal disease. Knowing where you stand is now simpler than ever thanks to us.

Taking our Kidney Risk Quiz will help you determine your risk of having kidney disease and only takes a minute. Your life could be saved in just one minute. When was the last time sixty seconds were so valuable?

Step3: Identify the Symptoms

Eight Potential Warning Signs: Early identification is essential because the majority of patients with kidney disease do not exhibit any symptoms. Kidney disease may already be advanced before symptoms start to show up, and signs can often be deceptive. Take note of these:

  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • uncomfortable and difficult urinating
  • Foamy urine: Dark, pink, and containing more blood
Step 4: Take an Exam

Ask your primary care physician about these tests if you or a loved one is in a high-risk category. Be particularly demanding about the last test. Your physician could also wish to order additional tests.

Three Easy, Life-Saving Tests

1. Blood Pressure (BP test)

The kidneys’ glomeruli, or tiny blood vessels, can be harmed by high blood pressure. After diabetes, it is the second-most common cause of renal failure.

Excellent Score: For most people, a reading below 140/90 is ideal. In the event of chronic renal disease, a reading below 130/80 is preferable. The best is seen as being below 120/80. To find out what is best for you, speak with your healthcare team.

2. Urine Protein (urine test)

Albuminuria, or the presence of traces of the protein albumin in the urine, may be an early

3. The rate of globular filtration (GFR) (blood test)

This gauges the kidneys’ efficiency at filtering blood. Your glomerular filtration rate is determined by a calculation made by doctors based on blood creatinine levels (GFR).

A good score is greater than 90. One should keep an eye on 60–89. A three-month period of less than 60 signifies renal dysfunction.

Step 5: Continue to be well

6 Actions Individuals with Kidney Disease Should Take:

  • Reduce hypertension
  • Control your blood sugar.
  • Cut back on your salt consumption
  • Don’t use NSAIDs, a kind of medication.
  • Consume protein in moderation.
  • Obtain a yearly flu vaccination.

9 Actions Everybody Should Take:

  • Regular exercise Manage weight
  • Consume a diet that is well-balanced.
  • Give up smoking and limit your alcohol intake.
  • Remain hydrated.
  • Track your cholesterol levels.
  • Obtain a yearly physical
  • Understand the medical history of your family.
Step 6: Find Out More

Do you require a kidney health assessment? Attend a KEEP Healthy event sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation to learn more. Kidney disease is a risk factor for 33% of adult Americans. You can find out if you’re among the 33 percent by using KEEP Healthy.

how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

How to Avoid Dialysis by Improving Kidney Function.

  • The underlying reason of your kidney disease should be discussed with your kidney doctor. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main causes of CKD and ESRD, so managing these illnesses is crucial. If at all possible, treatment for other causes of kidney disease, such as trauma or specific illnesses, should be pursued in an effort to enhance kidney function.
  • Visit a nephrologist often to track your kidney function, manage your other health concerns, and help you stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Adhere to your doctor’s prescription exactly, and record any vitamins or supplements you take. Never ignore the signs of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and contact your physician as soon as possible if you’re feeling unwell
  • In the end, taking good care of your health is the greatest approach to avoid dialysis. Following a diet that is healthy to your kidneys is one of the best methods to achieve this. Nutritional balancing is one of your kidneys’ primary jobs, thus eating healthfully relieves your body of stress.
  • Everyone should maintain an active lifestyle, and exercise is a fantastic method to promote the health of your heart and kidneys. Find out from your doctor how much exercise is appropriate for you.
  • The development of a solid support system is one sometimes-overlooked strategy to promote your health. You can control your stress and maintain good health by leaning on your family, close friends, or an online or local support group.
  • Remember, everyone’s situation is different. By keeping their health in check, many individuals are able to postpone the progression of renal disease; however, dialysis and kidney failure are not something that everyone can avoid.
Think About All of Your Choices

It is up to you how you decide to take care of your kidney condition. Selecting the course of therapy that best suits your needs and way of life can be assisted by your doctor.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that, even while you can postpone or even completely prevent dialysis by taking care of your health, you might eventually require it. The idea is to slow down the advancement of chronic kidney disease (CKD) by eating healthfully, exercising, taking care of your other medical issues, and visiting your kidney doctor on a regular basis. Be aware of your options and

Ways to Postpone the Start of Dialysis

  • When chronic kidney disease (CKD) is discovered in its early stages, there are actions you may take to extend kidney function, despite the unsettling nature of the diagnosis. With close medical supervision, you can probably live a healthy and fulfilling life even if you have renal disease.
  • One might feel in control of their condition by maintaining good health habits, working, and participating in social activities. Apart from exerting all physical and medical efforts to extend kidney function, employment with health insurance offers reassurance on the availability of health benefits and income.
  • Even though there are numerous causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD), there are some guidelines that, when followed, can assist a person postpone the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant.
  • The two main causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Americans are hypertension and diabetes. Kidney function should be prolonged by controlling or preventing these disorders.

Diabetes and the extension of renal function

Diabetics must take all medications as directed by their doctor and maintain blood glucose levels within a reasonable range. Kidney function tests should be carried out at least once a year, and the haemoglobin A1c should be maintained below 6.5 percent. Research has demonstrated that some high blood pressure medications can shield diabetic kidneys from damage even in those with normal blood pressure.

Hypertension and prolonged renal function

Individuals with hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, must to take their blood pressure medication as prescribed by their physician. For those without diabetes who have renal issues, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute suggests keeping blood pressure under control at 125/75 or below, or 130/85 or below.

How to extend the life of your kidneys

There are steps a person can do to extend kidney function, regardless of how their CKD develops. It is advised that smokers who have renal disease give up because smoking accelerates the course of their illness. Obviously, the patient has full control over improving their health by following a nutritious diet, exercising, and reducing excess weight. In actuality, many people with type 2 diabetes can avoid the disease by taking those actions.

It is recommended that people with high blood pressure consume less sodium in their diet. A lot of medical professionals think that cutting back on phosphorus and protein in the diet can also slow the course of renal disease.Additional foods and medications are being studied to see if they can delay the onset of kidney failure. These include fish oil for IgA nephropathy, antioxidant or anti-inflammatory foods and vitamins in the diet, and the use of pirfenidone, an anti-fibrotic medication, to treat focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).

Keep in mind that your kidney disease is distinct. For specific advice on how to extend your kidney function, consult your physician and collaborate with your healthcare team. The optimal outcomes will come from an honest and regular dialogue. Talk to your doctor about how you’re feeling as well as your medical condition. You can also seek for suggestions on how to handle discussions about CKD with your family. Your medical team wants to support you in maintaining your physical and mental well-being.

How to postpone starting dialysis, in brief

  • Eat healthfully to shed extra pounds.
  • Engage in regular exercise
  • Avoid smoking
  • Limit your intake of salt and manage high blood pressure
  • Manage your diabetes
  • Continue working and maintaining your health insurance.
  • Consult your medical team.
how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis
how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

Frequently asked questions

how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

1. How can I restore my kidney function?

Answer: You can take the following actions if your kidney function starts to deteriorate.

Maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This will assist in delaying the deterioration of renal function.

  • Reduce your cholesterol levels.
  • Think about taking medication.
  • Eat a plant-based diet and consume little protein.
  • Take NSAIDs very carefully.

2. What is the best way to avoid dialysis?

Answer: In the end, taking good care of your health is the greatest approach to avoid dialysis. Following a diet that is healthy to your kidneys is one of the best methods to achieve this. Nutritional balancing is one of your kidneys’ primary jobs, thus eating healthfully relieves your body of stress.

3. Can I improve my kidney function?

Answer: Maintaining proper hydration can help your kidneys filter pollutants more effectively. It is advised by kidney specialists that you consume enough water each day to produce about two litres of urine. To answer your question, the amount of water in it will differ depending on the individual. Urine becomes concentrated when dehydrated, which might be harmful.

4. Can you live with 15% kidney function?

Answer: Kidney failure is diagnosed when renal function falls below 15% of the normal range. The accumulation of waste materials and excess water in your body may be causing symptoms. One of three therapy options is available to you to replace your lost kidney function: hemodialysis.

5. Can kidney function go back to normal?

Answer: Severe renal failure necessitates life-threatening care. However, acute renal failure may be reversible. You might regain normal or almost normal kidney function if everything else in your body is in good condition.

6. Can weak kidneys recover?

Answer: Treatment for acute renal failure must start right away. The good news is that acute renal failure is frequently curable. After the underlying problem has been treated, the kidneys typically begin to function normally again in a matter of weeks to months.

7.Can kidneys heal without dialysis?

Answer: If you decide not to begin dialysis treatments, you may live for a few weeks or for several months, depending on your health and your remaining kidney function. Many of the complications of kidney failure can be treated with medicines, but only dialysis or transplant can filter wastes from your blood.


how to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis

In summary, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of preserving normal kidney function because it is essential to our general health and wellbeing. The possibility of not needing dialysis is a strong incentive, and fortunately kidney function can be improved through a number of preventative measures.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial, first and foremost. This include eating a healthy, balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising frequently to control weight. Reducing the amount of processed foods, salt, and refined sugars consumed can help improve kidney function. Furthermore, blood pressure regulation and, if relevant, diabetes treatment are essential parts of renal health care.

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