Should I take magnesium with food

Here we are going to share information on the topic “Should I take magnesium with food.” It is recommended to take magnesium supplements with meals. Diarrhoea may occur if magnesium supplements are taken on an empty stomach. Although magnesium can be taken at any time of day, many people find that it helps to avoid stomach discomfort if they take the supplement with a meal.

Should I take magnesium with food
Should I take magnesium with food

Magnesium is a vital mineral that helps our bodies perform at their best. It keeps our immune systems healthy and our muscles and nerves operating at their best. According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D.N., “magnesium is vital for energy production, glucose metabolism, and how our DNA is actually created in our body.” It helps maintain the health of your heart, bones, and neurons. It actually serves as a cofactor for over 300 distinct enzyme functions throughout the body.

But a lot of people choose to add magnesium supplements to their diets because they feel like they’re not getting enough of the nutrient from their diet. According to the NIH, 50% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily allowance of magnesium from their diet. Furthermore, Blatner notes that the blood tests used to determine adequate intake are not very reliable.

If you’ve made taking magnesium supplements a daily habit, you might be curious about the ideal time of day to take them. Continue reading to learn more about magnesium and the ideal method for consuming magnesium supplements.

Should I take magnesium with food

Symptoms of magnesium insufficiency

Early indicators that a person may be magnesium deficient are not entirely clear, according to the NIH: It’s possible to feel weak, lethargic, or lose your appetite. Additionally, if you experience muscle weakness or cramps, tingling and numbness, or trouble sleeping—”like feeling very drowsy or having chronic fatigue-type symptoms”—you may be low in magnesium or deficient in the mineral.

The people who are most at risk of having a true magnesium deficiency are older adults, those with type 2 diabetes, those with gastrointestinal disorders, and those with alcoholism. This is despite the fact that the NIH reports that many people do not acquire enough magnesium from food.

What time of day is optimal to take magnesium?

You can take magnesium at any time of day. A lot of folks would rather take their vitamins first thing in the morning or during lunch. Additionally, taking your magnesium supplement with food can help avoid an upset stomach. Numerous studies show the advantages of taking magnesium supplements for an extended period of time, regardless of when you take them. Otherwise, the most crucial thing is to be consistent. It could be better to take magnesium with dinner or your final meal of the day if you’re taking it for its ability to promote peaceful sleep.

According to Blatner, “you can truly take magnesium anytime of the day—preferably with a meal.” “Take it when you’ll remember to take it on a regular basis.” However, you might want to think about the kind of magnesium supplement you now take:

It is not necessary to wait until that time since even if you consume it sooner, it will not make you fall asleep, according to Blatner. Some people use magnesium glycinate to help them fall asleep because they find it relaxing. A study that was published in the BMC Complementary Medicines and Therapies states that there isn’t any proof that magnesium helps with sleeplessness. However, the study also stated that if you want to investigate if taking supplements helps you sleep, you can take less than 1 gram three times a day because they are generally inexpensive and readily available.

Should I take magnesium with food

Advantages of magnesium

Although the research’s scope was restricted, there is evidence that taking magnesium supplements may help with specific health concerns. Patients with type 2 diabetes who took 300 mg of magnesium for three months had better blood sugar management, according to a small 2014 study. Furthermore, a 2018 study review suggested that taking magnesium supplements may help people who get migraine headaches on a regular basis experience fewer migraine attacks. Over the course of six weeks, a different small trial conducted in 2017 found that magnesium chloride, one form of magnesium, could reduce mild to moderate symptoms of depression.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that men should take 400–420 mg of magnesium daily and women 310–320 mg. There are several methods to obtain this important nutrient through your diet: Whole grains, legumes, beans, green vegetables, and seeds are good sources of magnesium. Eat spinach, edamame, peanuts, cashews, avocados, bananas, almonds, cashews, oats, yoghurt, and spinach, Blatner advises individuals.

The foods that are rich sources of magnesium are healthy choices anyhow, so consuming more than the suggested amount won’t harm your body. If you do end up consuming too much magnesium from these meals, your body will excrete the excess.

But taking excessive amounts of magnesium supplements might pose a health concern, and some people report that taking any amount of magnesium can result in GI symptoms like nausea and diarrhoea. (Remember that not all dietary supplements and prescription drugs, including some antacids and laxatives, contain magnesium; thus, take that into consideration when determining the appropriate dosage.) “It is recommended not to exceed 350 mg/day in supplement form—that is considered the safe top limit,” states Blatner.

Should I take magnesium with food

Morning versus evening magnesium intake

The timing isn’t so crucial when it comes to taking magnesium supplements. Making sure you drink it consistently is more crucial than worrying about whether you take it in the morning or the evening. Research on magnesium generally states that the duration of the nutrient’s consumption (weeks or months) determines its advantages rather than the time of day. The secret is to choose a time of day that fits in with your schedule. This will guarantee that you take it consistently.

Warnings and things to think about when using magnesium

Most people consider magnesium to be safe, and it usually takes effect really rapidly. You can take magnesium with most meals. Because oxalic acid can interfere with absorption, you might want to avoid taking it with grains and other foods that contain it.

It’s crucial to understand, though, that some drugs and magnesium shouldn’t be taken together. Certain blood pressure medications, infections, and hormone treatments prevent the mineral from being absorbed. It’s crucial to discuss prescription medications with your healthcare provider if you take any. The answer could be as easy as delaying taking your supplement for a few hours after taking your prescription.

FAQ (should I take magnesium with food)

1. Does taking magnesium in the morning cause you to feel sleepy?

Ans. Magnesium is often used to help sleep, although it isn’t known to make you tired during the day. But it’s ideal to take your magnesium supplement an hour or two before bedtime if you want to reap the benefits of better sleep.

2. Does the time you take magnesium really matter?

Ans. While the results are unaffected by the time of day, consistency can be. One study, for example, monitored participants for three weeks after taking a magnesium supplement, and the results indicated that the supplement enhanced exercise performance by reducing the build-up of lactate. If you make it a habit to take it at the same time every day, it can be simpler to remember.

3. Should magnesium be taken with a meal?

Ans. Taking your magnesium supplement with a meal, such as breakfast or lunch, might be beneficial. Since magnesium is a moderate supplement, it can be taken without a meal and yet be well absorbed. But a small percentage of magnesium users may have digestive issues, such as nausea or diarrhoea. Magnesium taken with food can lessen the likelihood of an upset stomach.

4. Does magnesium have an immediate effect?

Ans. Supplementing with magnesium won’t always have rapid results. You may not see the benefits for a few days to a few weeks. For example, a study conducted on older people found that the advantages of supplementation with sleep support were not felt until eight weeks into the trial. After taking supplements for two weeks, participants in another trial showed improvements in their perceptions and outlook on health.

So, exercise patience rather than increasing your magnesium dosage. In fact, ingesting extra magnesium won’t have an impact that happens more quickly or strongly. On the other hand, excessive magnesium consumption may result in unpleasant side effects, including an unsettled stomach. It’s crucial to take an easily absorbed magnesium supplement as well.

5. Should I take magnesium or melatonin for sleep?

Ans. Some people may find that magnesium helps them fall asleep faster and has a calming effect on their sleep. Magnesium may actually aid in the body’s normal melatonin production. That being stated, you might be wondering if taking melatonin and magnesium at the same time is safe. While it’s always advisable to speak with your doctor before changing or mixing your supplement regimen, taking magnesium and melatonin together is usually safe.

The results are unaffected by the time of day, but consistency can be.

Conclusion: (Should I take magnesium with food)

You can take magnesium at any time of day. Therefore, the best time to take magnesium supplements depends a lot on your lifestyle and personal preferences. Consistent intake is more crucial when taking this mineral as a supplement.

Although magnesium can be taken whenever you feel like it, many individuals find that taking it with meals helps to improve absorption and avoid upset stomachs. Whether you take magnesium for other health reasons, such as improved sleep or athletic performance, the best way to maximise its advantages is to synchronise your intake of the mineral with your meals and daily routine. To make sure that taking a magnesium supplement won’t conflict with any prescriptions you are already on, always speak with your doctor.

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