The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

Here we are going to share information on the topic “The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly.” It’s no secret that, as we get older, our sleeping habits change. An increasing number of older people report experiencing nighttime sleep deprivation. It may cause them to feel drowsy and exhausted all day. Severe sleep abnormalities have the potential to cause major health problems. A recent University of Maryland study found that the expense of healthcare associated with sleeplessness has surpassed $100 billion.

Therefore, it’s imperative to make sure your elderly loved ones are receiving adequate sleep. Fortunately, they can get relief from insomnia and other sleep issues with various sleep aids. The top ten sleep aids for seniors will be discussed in this blog. Continue reading to find out more!

The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly
The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

What causes sleep issues in older adults?

Data from the Sleep Foundation’s 2022 survey indicate that between 30 and 48 percent of older people experience insomnia and other sleep disturbances. The causes of sleep issues in the elderly might be several. Among them are a few of them:

1. Fundamental medical conditions
  • One of the main reasons why older people have trouble sleeping is because of underlying medical concerns, including heart difficulties, Alzheimer’s, sleep apnea, or UTIs.
  • Additionally, over 50% of elderly patients say they have trouble falling asleep.
2. Adverse effects of medication
  • Elderly people who take many drugs may occasionally experience sleep disturbances due to interactions.
  • For instance, while steroids and other stimulants are mostly intended to increase energy and mood, they may cause wakefulness when used with certain drugs.
3. Inadequate sleeping habits
  • Sleep issues are brought on by the poor sleep hygiene of a large number of elderly people.
  • Using their phones right before bed, taking long naps during the day, not following a set sleep pattern, and other behaviors are instances of poor sleep hygiene.
4. Getting Older
  • Sleep issues are a natural result of ageing. Deep sleep is less common as we age because melatonin and growth hormone production decline.
  • In addition, age-related medical disorders are a factor in sleep disruption.

When should you use sleep aids?

Since every person has a unique physique and set of sleeping habits, it can be difficult to determine when to attempt sleeping aids. It could be time to give a sleeping aid a try, though, if you are experiencing problems falling or staying asleep for a long time. Taking medication or sleeping aids seven or eight hours before bedtime is advised. To find what works best for you, though, it’s a good idea to experiment from time to time.

6 All-Natural Sleep Aids for Seniors

Natural cures are always preferable to medications or tablets. The same holds true for medications used to promote sleep. Now let’s look at some of the best all-natural sleep aids for seniors.

Natural cures are always preferable to medications or tablets. The same holds true for medications used to promote sleep. Now let’s look at some of the best all-natural sleep aids for seniors.

5. Tea made with chamomile
  • Chamomile tea has been supported by numerous researchers as a secure, all-natural sleep aid. While it might not be able to treat insomnia, it does aid with sleep quality.
  • In addition, chamomile has an anti-inflammatory compound that lessens edema, bloating, and inflammation. The tea should be consumed 30 to 45 minutes before going to bed.
6. Supplements containing melatonin
  • Another all-natural sleep aid for seniors is melatonin. As was previously noted, as we age, our bodies create less melatonin, which throws off our sleep schedule.
  • Supplemental melatonin may assist in preserving the body’s normal sleep cycle. It is advised to consult a physician before beginning the supplement, though, as taking too much melatonin might have a number of negative effects.
7. Kava
  • The roots of the kava plant are used to make the herbal sleep aid kava (Piper methysticum).
  • It effectively lowers tension and anxiety while also calming your body and mind. 30 to 45 minutes prior to going to bed is when kava is best consumed.
8. Warm milk
  • The natural sleep aid tryptophan is found in warm milk. When consumed, the brain transforms it into melatonin and serotonin, which aid in promoting sleep.
  • Warm milk can also aid in bodily relaxation and the creation of a cosy sleeping environment.
9. Lavender
  • Lavender is well-known for its ability to calm and soothe. It can be applied to lessen tension and anxiety, encourage relaxation, and enhance the quality of sleep.
  • You can apply topically, diffuse lavender oil in the air, or dilute it with another oil and apply it straight to your skin.
10. Work Out
  • You did really read correctly! Seniors who exercise can get better-quality sleep. It has been demonstrated that physical activity reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the amount of deep sleep.
  • It probably results from both the increased melatonin synthesis and the fatigue that comes from working out our muscles, which makes us feel drowsy. Therefore, even some mild activity at night is beneficial for seniors.

Are Safe Natural Sleep Aids?

Plant-based compounds, including melatonin, valerian root, and chamomile, are commonly found in natural sleep aids and can aid in promoting relaxation and lowering stress levels. Thus, they are generally regarded as safe. However, there may also be some mild adverse effects, so it’s advisable to speak with a healthcare provider before using any supplements.

Consider utilizing the Sandland Solution.

The supplements Stay Asleep and Fall Asleep from Sandland may be great choices for senior citizens seeking natural sleep aids. Despite their sarcastic formulation, these tablets work well to induce and sustain deep sleep.

Sleep in Sandland

  • Sandland’s Stay Asleep is a natural sleep formula that may be used by people seeking one. These herbal remedies, which include magnesium, valerian root, and L-thianine, lower tension and anxiety and encourage restful sleep all night long.
  • In addition, if you use the supplements and don’t see the desired results within 30 days, you can get your money back.

Sleeping Sandland

  • The Standland Fall Asleep solution was created especially for those who have trouble falling asleep, whereas the Stay Asleep solution promotes deep sleep all through the night.
  • Your mind is instantly calmed when you take one or two pills before bed, and the effects wear off in a few hours. Thus, it doesn’t contribute to daytime sleepiness!


The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

In conclusion, finding the best sleep aids for senior citizens requires taking into account a number of variables, including fit for specific needs, effectiveness, and safety. Although there isn’t a single choice that works for everyone, several solutions are particularly noteworthy because they may help older folks sleep better.

The potential of melatonin supplements to control sleep-wake cycles is well known, and they may help older people who have trouble sleeping or who have insomnia. Herbal medicines with a slight sedative effect are also available, such as chamomile tea and valerian root. for more information on effect of sleep please visit

The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly
The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

Frequently asked questions

The 10 Best Sleep Aids for the Elderly

What can you give a dementia patient to sleep at night?

Answer: Melatonin and clonazepam are the two main medications used to treat RBD. People with dementia typically receive more prescriptions for melatonin because clonazepam may exacerbate other dementia symptoms and cause diurnal drowsiness. Additionally, it can make you more susceptible to falling or getting sleep apnea.

Are sleeping pills safe for the elderly?

Answer: Depending on the individual’s health, sleeping medications may or may not be safe for senior citizens. Elderly persons, however, should usually speak with their physician before beginning any sleep prescription because they may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of these medications.

What is the safest sleeping pill for the elderly?

Answer: Among the most secure sleeping medications for senior citizens are:

Eszopiclone, zolpidem, ramelteon, and supplements for mellatonin

Is melatonin safe for seniors?

Answer: Melatonin is a naturally occurring sleep aid that is generally safe for older adults to take. On the other hand, it could cause certain adverse effects, like nausea, headaches, and sleepiness.

Is Ambien safe for the elderly? 

Answer: A medication called ambien, also known as Zolpidem, is used to hasten the process of falling asleep. Although using Ambien at specified dosages was thought to be safe, several new reports have suggested that older people may experience harmful side effects from the drug. The medication has been linked to a higher risk of dementia and falls. Therefore, it is advised against using Ambien without first seeing a doctor.

What sleeping pill works better than Ambien?

Answer: Medications such as Lunesta, Restoril, and Silenor are substitutes for Ambien. For sleep disturbances, these OTC antihistamines are all appropriate. In addition, melatonin is a fantastic remedy for insomnia.

How much sleep does an 85-year-old need?

Answer: An 85-year-old’s requirements vary, but generally speaking, they require 7-8 hours.

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