what causes cervical cancer in women?

Here, we are going to share information on the topic “what causes cervical cancer in women? In its early stages, cervical cancer doesn’t create many symptoms, making it difficult to identify. The key to prevention is routine screening.

One kind of cancer that begins in the cervix is called cervical cancer. The cervix is a hollow cylinder that joins the vagina and the bottom portion of a woman’s uterus. Cells on the cervix’s surface are where the majority of cervical cancers start.

what causes cervical cancer in women?
what causes cervical cancer in women?

what causes cervical cancer in women?

Cervical cancer symptoms

Because cervical cancer typically doesn’t exhibit symptoms until the later stages, many women with the disease are unaware that it exists in the first place. When symptoms do arise, they are frequently misdiagnosed as common ailments, including urinary tract infections and menstrual cycles (UTIs).

Typical signs of cervical cancer include:

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Such as that which occurs between periods
  • After sex
  • After menopause
  • Vaginal discharge that appears or smells different from normal
  • Pelvic pain
  • Increased frequency of urine
  • Pain during urinating

See your doctor for a checkup if you have any of these symptoms. Find out how cervical cancer will be diagnosed by your physician.

causes of cervical cancer

The human papillomavirus that is spread through sexual activity is the primary cause of cervical cancer (HPV). The virus responsible for genital warts is the same one.

The HPV virus has over 100 distinct strains. Cervical cancer is only caused by specific types. HPV-16 and HPV-18 are the two kinds that cause cancer the most frequently.

Cervical cancer is not a guarantee if you have an HPV infection that causes cancer. Most HPV infections are eliminated by your immune system, frequently in less than two years.

In both men and women, HPV can potentially result in other malignancies.

Among them are:

  • Vaginal cancer
  • Vulvar cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Anal cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Throat cancer

One relatively frequent infection is HPV. Find out what proportion of adults who are sexually active will experience it at some point.

Treatment for cervical cancer

If detected early, cervical cancer is a highly treatable condition. The four primary therapies are:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation treatment
  • Targeted treatment with chemotherapy

To increase their efficacy, these treatments are occasionally combined.


To eliminate as much of the malignancy as possible is the goal of surgery. On occasion, the surgeon may choose to remove only the cancerous tissue from the cervix. Surgery may include removing the cervix and other pelvic organs in cases of more advanced malignancies.

Radiation treatment

Radiation uses high-energy X-ray beams to kill cancer cells. It can be administered externally by a machine. It can also be administered intraperitoneally (IV) using a metal tube inserted into the vagina or uterus.


Chemotherapy kills cancer cells all across the body using medication. Physicians provide this therapy in cycles. You will receive chemotherapy for a while. After that, you’ll cease the treatment to allow your body to heal.

Personalized treatment

A more recent medication called bevacizumab (Avastin) functions differently from radiation and chemotherapy. It prevents the development of new blood vessels, which aids in the cancer’s growth and survival. This medication is frequently administered during chemotherapy.

Precancerous cells in your cervix can be treated if your doctor finds them. Check whether strategies prevent these cells from developing into cancer.

Stages of cervical cancer

Your doctor will determine the stage of your cancer after a diagnosis. The stage indicates if and to what extent the cancer has spread. Your doctor can determine the best course of action for you by staging your cancer.

There are four phases of cervical cancer:

Stage 1: There is little cancer. It’s possible that lymph nodes were affected. It is not present in other bodily parts.

Stage 2: There is more cancer. It can have reached the lymph nodes or regions other than the uterus and cervix. You still don’t have it in other body parts.

Stage 3: The malignancy has progressed to the pelvis or the lower vagina. The tubes that transfer urine from the kidneys to the bladder, known as ureters, may be clogged. It is not present in other bodily parts.

Stage 4: Your lungs, bones, or liver may have been affected by the cancer’s spread outside of your pelvis.

Test for cervical cancer

One test that doctors use to diagnose cervical cancer is a pap smear. Your doctor takes a sample of cells from the surface of your cervix in order to do this test. After that, these cells are transported to a lab to be examined for malignant or precancerous alterations.

Should these alterations be discovered, your physician might recommend a colposcopy, which is a cervix examination treatment. Your doctor may perform a biopsy or collect a sample of cervical cells during this procedure.

The screening schedule for women based on age is recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Trusted Source.

For people aged 21 to 29, get a pap smear every three years.

Get a Pap smear every three years, a high-risk HPV (hrHPV) test every five years, or a Pap smear plus hrHPV test every five years if you are between the ages of thirty and sixty-five.

Risk factors for cervical cancer

The greatest risk factor for cervical cancer is HPV. Additional elements that may further raise your risk include:

  • HIV
  • chlamydia
  • A family history of cervical cancer, obesity, smoking, and a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables
  • Using birth control tablets
  • Achieving three full-term births
  • Having become pregnant for the first time before the age of 17

You are not doomed to develop cervical cancer, even if you have one or more of these risk factors. Find out what steps you can take immediately to lower your risk.

Surgery for cervical cancer

  • Cervical cancer is treated using a variety of surgical techniques. Depending on how far the cancer has gone, your doctor may suggest one or the other.
  • During cryosurgery, a probe inserted into the cervix freezes cancer cells.
  • A laser beam is used in laser surgery to burn off aberrant cells.
  • Conization involves employing a surgical knife, laser, or thin wire heated by electricity to remove a cone-shaped portion of the cervix.
  • The whole uterus and cervix are removed during a hysterectomy. It is referred to as a radical hysterectomy when the top of the vagina is also removed.
  • In order to allow a woman to become a mother in the future, a trachelectomy removes the cervix and the upper part of the vagina but leaves the uterus in situ.
  • Depending on where the cancer has spread, pelvic exoneration may involve the removal of the uterus, vagina, bladder, rectum, lymph nodes, and a portion of the colon.

Preventing cervical cancer

  • Regularly getting checked with a pap smear or hrHPV test is one of the simplest strategies to prevent cervical cancer. Precancerous cells can be treated by screening to prevent them from developing into cancer.
  • Most occurrences of cervical cancer are caused by HPV infection. Thanks to the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, the infection can be avoided. The best time to get vaccinated is before one starts sexual activity. It is possible to immunise boys and girls against HPV.
  • Here are some other strategies to lower your risk of cervical cancer and HPV:
  • When having vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse, always use a condom or other barrier technique; limit the number of sexual partners you have.
  • A Pap smear test that is abnormal suggests that you have precancerous cells in your cervix. Learn what to do if the results of your test are positive.

Statistics on cervical cancer

These are some important cervical cancer statistics.

According to the American Cancer Society, according to a trusted source, 4,280 American women will lose their lives to cervical cancer in 2022, and 14,100 women will receive a cervical cancer diagnosis. People with cervixes between the ages of 35 and 44 will typically receive a diagnosis in these circumstances.

In the US, Hispanic women are the most likely ethnic group to have cervical cancer. Native Alaskans and American Indians have the lowest rates.

Over time, there has been a decline in the death rate from cervical cancer. There were 2.3 fatalities for every 100,000 women between 2002 and 2016 (trusted source). This decrease was partly brought about by better screening.

Pregnancy and cervical cancer

A cervical cancer diagnosis during pregnancy is uncommon, although it does occur. The majority of malignancies identified during pregnancy are detected early on.

It might be challenging to treat cancer when pregnant. Depending on the stage of your cancer and the stage of your pregnancy, your doctor can help you choose a course of therapy.

In cases where the cancer is still in its early stages, giving birth can wait until therapy begins. You will have to make the decision of whether to carry on with the pregnancy if the cancer is further advanced and treatment calls for radiation or a hysterectomy.

The sooner your child can survive outside the womb, the sooner the doctors will attempt to deliver it.


what causes cervical cancer in women?

What is the major cause of cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus that can be transmitted from one person to another during intercourse, is the cause of almost all cervical malignancies. HPV comes in a variety of forms. While some HPV types might cause genital or skin warts, others can alter your cervix over time and increase your risk of developing cervical cancer.

What are the five warning signs of cervical cancer?

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

  • after-sex vaginal bleeding.
  • bleeding from the vagina after menopause.
  • vaginal bleeding during or after periods that are heavier or longer than usual.
  • vaginal discharge that is bloody, smells strongly, and is watery.
  • pelvic ache or soreness during sexual activity.

Who is likely to get cervical cancer?

Additionally, as cervical cancer is more common in younger individuals, you may be at higher risk if you are under 45. If you have HIV or AIDS, for example, your immune system is compromised. You either have children at a young age or have given birth to several children (under 17 years old)

What causes 90% of cervical cancer?

HPV Types: High-Risk and Low-Risk

Generally speaking, HPV is assumed to be the cause of over 90% of anal and cervical cancers, over 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers, and 60% of penile cancers.

How do I keep my cervix healthy?

Preventive actions are very important for maintaining the health of your cervix.

Plan your exam for well-womanhood. The well-woman exam is regarded as the year’s most significant medical checkup.

Get Pap tests on a regular basis.

Revise your immunisation record and include an HPV test.

How can you prevent cervical cancer?

The three most crucial things you can do to help prevent cervical cancer are to get screened for HPV, get screening tests on a regular basis, and see your doctor again if the findings of a screening test are abnormal.

what causes cervical cancer in women?
what causes cervical cancer in women?


what causes cervical cancer in women?

In conclusion, cervical cancer is a multifactorial disease influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. Prevention strategies, including HPV vaccination, regular screening, smoking cessation, and safer sexual practices, are crucial in reducing the incidence and mortality associated with cervical cancer. Increasing awareness, access to healthcare services, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices are essential in the fight against cervical cancer.

So, this is how the topic “what causes cervical cancer in women?” has been addressed.

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