16 important things you should eat during periods

Here we are going to share the information: “16 important things you should eat during periods.” Certain foods, like fruit and leafy vegetables, may help to lessen period symptoms, while other foods, including spicy foods and red meat, may exacerbate them. You need to stay away from some things since they can make getting your period more uncomfortable.

16 important things you should eat during periods
16 important things you should eat during periods

A period is synonymous with an exhilarating experience! You have to put up with excruciating bloating, incessant cramps, and drastic mood swings when Aunt Flo pays you a visit. While all of these things may be uncomfortable, let’s face it, periods are a normal part of life. Their existence is a sign of excellent health!

Nonetheless, there are a few crucial items you should stay away from during your period to help make those few days of the month a little more tolerable. Periods can be painful and uncomfortable, but there are things you can do to help them go away.

Many people experience painful menstrual symptoms. Certain meals have the ability to mitigate these symptoms, while others may exacerbate them. Among these signs are:

  • Cramping in the abdomen
  • Headaches
  • Nausea, bloating, lethargy, and mood changes
  • Diarrhoea

You can feel better if you add certain items to your diet and exclude others if you have any of these symptoms.

16 important things you should eat during periods

Foods to consume


  • It’s always vital to drink lots of water, but it’s especially crucial when you’re on your period. Dehydration headaches, a typical menstrual symptom, can be avoided by maintaining hydration.
  • Additionally, bloating and water retention can be avoided by drinking lots of water.


  • High-water-content foods such as cucumber and watermelon are excellent sources of fluids. Without consuming a lot of refined sugar, which can cause your blood sugar levels to soar and then collapse, sweet fruits can help you satisfy your sugar cravings.

Vegetables with leaves

  • It’s normal to have a drop in iron levels throughout your menstrual cycle, especially if you have a strong flow. This may cause physical pain, exhaustion, and lightheadedness.
  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale help increase iron levels. Magnesium is abundant in spinach as well.


  • Certain menstrual symptoms can be alleviated by sipping a warm cup of ginger tea. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger helps relieve sore muscles.
  • Moreover, ginger may lessen nausea. A 2018 study found that ginger effectively reduced nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy, although few studies support this. Given its safety and affordability, it’s worthwhile to give it a try.
  • However, avoid consuming too much ginger—consuming more than 4 grammes in a single day may result in stomachaches and heartburn.


  • Another high-protein and iron food you may include in your diet is chicken. Consuming protein will help you stay satisfied and full during your menstrual cycle, which helps reduce cravings. Protein is also important for your general health.


  • Fish is a nutrient-dense supplement to your diet, high in iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. The drop in iron levels you may encounter during your menstrual cycle can be compensated for by consuming iron.
  • A 2012 study found that omega-3s help lessen the severity of menstrual pain. The individuals who used omega-3 supplements discovered that their menstrual discomfort was significantly reduced, allowing them to lower their ibuprofen dosage.
  • Omega-3s have been shown in a 2014 study to have antidepressant properties. Omega-3s may be beneficial for people who suffer from sadness and mood changes during their menstrual cycle.


  • Curcumin, the primary active element in turmeric, is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. People who took curcumin had less severe PMS symptoms, according to a 2015 study that examined the drug’s effects on the symptoms.

Dark chocolate

  • Rich in iron and magnesium, dark chocolate is a delicious and healthy snack. 67 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for iron and 58 percent of the RDI for magnesium can be found in a 100-gram bar of 70 to 85 percent dark chocolate.
  • According to a 2010 study (Trusted Source), magnesium lessens the intensity of PMS symptoms. A 2015 study (Trusted Source) found that severe PMS symptoms were more common in those with magnesium deficits.


  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a superb source of protein, most nuts also include several vitamins and magnesium. Try nut butters or milks made from nuts if you don’t want to eat nuts by themselves. You can also incorporate these components into smoothies.

Oil from flaxseed

  • There are 7,195 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in every 15 millilitres of flaxseed oil. To put things in perspective, the Office of Dietary Supplements states that 1,100–1,600 mg is all you really need. Reliable Daily Source of Omega-3s
  • Consuming flaxseed oil relieved constipation, which is a frequent menstrual symptom, according to a small study. Further studies are needed to demonstrate how flaxseed oil can enhance digestive health, though.


  • Quinoa is a great source of iron, magnesium, and protein. It’s also gluten-free, so it’s a perfect food for people with celiac disease. Furthermore, because it has a low glycemic index, consuming it will probably leave you feeling full and energized for a while.

Beans and lentils

  • Lentils and beans are rich in protein, so they’re suitable meat alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. They’re also an excellent addition to your diet if you have low iron levels because they’re high in iron.


  • Yeast infections frequently occur during or after menstruation. Foods high in probiotics, such as yoghurt, can support the “good” bacteria in your vagina and help fight off yeast infections if you are prone to them. Additionally, yogurt is high in calcium and other vital elements like magnesium.


  • Tofu, a popular plant-based protein option for vegans and vegetarians, is produced from soybeans. It has a high calcium, magnesium, and iron content.

Tea with peppermint leaves

  • According to a 2016 study, peppermint tea may help reduce PMS symptoms. In particular, it helps ease diarrhoea, nausea, and cramping during menstruation.


  • Not all foods high in probiotics have the ability to combat yeast, such as yoghurt. Kombucha tea is a fantastic fermented beverage that is now more widely accessible than ever if you’re trying to avoid dairy. Drinks made with kombucha and too much sugar should be avoided.

16 important things you should eat during periods

foods to stay away from during periods

All meals are OK when consumed in moderation; however, some foods may make your period symptoms worse, so you may wish to avoid them.

1. Sodium

Bloating can occur as a result of water retention brought on by excessive salt consumption. Eat less salt and steer clear of highly processed, high-sodium foods if you want to lessen bloating.

2. Sugar

Sugar can be used in moderation, but consuming too much of it might result in an energy surge that is followed by a slump. It may make you feel depressed. Limiting your sugar intake can help control your mood if you experience mood swings, depression, or anxiety during your period.

3. Tea

Bloating and water retention are two effects of caffeine. It may also make headaches worse. However, if you’re used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day, don’t fully take out coffee as caffeine withdrawal can also result in headaches.

Additionally, coffee may create intestinal problems. If you frequently experience diarrhoea during your menstrual cycle, cutting back on your coffee consumption may help.

4. Tobacco

Alcohol can have a lot of bad consequences on your health, some of which can make your period symptoms worse. Alcohol, for instance, can dehydrate you, which can exacerbate headaches and result in bloating. It may also result in nausea and diarrhoea, among other digestive problems.

Furthermore, a hangover might mimic some of the symptoms of your menstrual cycle, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue

5. Hot dishes

Spicy foods often cause upset stomachs in many people, resulting in diarrhoea, stomach pain, and even nausea. It could be better to stay away from spicy meals during your period if your stomach finds them difficult to handle or if you’re not used to consuming them.

6. Flesh from red meat

Prostaglandins are produced by your body during your menstruation. These substances facilitate the contraction of your uterus and the removal of the uterine lining, which causes your monthly flow. But cramps are brought on by elevated prostaglandin levels.

Although red meat has a high iron content, it should be avoided during menstruation since it contains a lot of prostaglandins.

7. Foods you have trouble metabolizing

Even if it should go without saying, it’s important to remember to avoid certain foods if you have dietary sensitivities, especially when you’re menstruating.

Even so, you might occasionally indulge yourself in a milkshake if you have a lactose intolerance. However, it’s especially crucial to stay away from items that could upset your hormonal balance when you’re menstruating.

Consuming these meals may result in diarrhoea, constipation, or nausea, all of which will make your painful period worse.

16 important things you should eat during periods

What should I stay away from during my period?

1. Giving in to your need for salt

Foods heavy in salt are bad for you during your menstrual cycle, which is crucial to know if you’re wondering how to lessen period pain. They might make your cramps worse. Furthermore, it may exacerbate the discomfort and result in extreme bloating.

2. Taking large amounts of coffee

Having too much coffee during your period is one of the main things to avoid! A high caffeine level can make you feel worse and make your breasts more sensitive. Even if you could have a caffeine addiction, you must cut back on your coffee consumption.

3. Making use of a Douche

It can be really dangerous to droop down and clean oneself there. It can disrupt the vagina’s natural defences against bacteria, which increases the risk of infections and other health problems, including STDs.

4. Using the same sanitary napkins throughout the day

Using the same tampon or pad for longer than four to six hours is one of the most fundamental dos and don’ts during menstruation. This will turn out to be a haven for bacteria, which will cause an unpleasant stench to spread. Furthermore, doing so may result in TSS and skin rashes (Toxic Shock Syndrome).

5. Shaving or waxing

Hair removal is one of the most crucial things to avoid during your period. You may feel more discomfort because the area is sensitive, and the wax strips may sting when pulled. When shaving, the flow of the period can make things very untidy. If you get a cut from shaving, that could result in an infection. To lower the chance of pain and discomfort, schedule it a week after your menstruation.

6. Having unguarded intercourse

First of all, having sex while on your period is very acceptable. What to avoid during menstruation is having intercourse without protection. If you’re not currently considering becoming a parent, you should refrain from taking

7. Cigarette Use

Steer clear of that cigarette if you’re looking for a way to relieve period pain. While smoking is obviously bad for our health, women who smoke either before or right after their period are more likely to suffer from excruciating discomfort. Kicking the butt is therefore preferable.

8. Not using a pad when going to bed

Although you might find it cosy, sleeping without a pad is not a good idea! If you’re concerned about potential rashes and discomfort, you can start using a menstrual cup or go to a different brand. However, wear a sanitary product to manage the flow before going to bed.

16 important things you should eat during periods
16 important things you should eat during periods
Frequently asked questions (16 important things you should eat during periods)

1. What should a girl avoid during periods?

Answer: Diets to stay away from when you’re menstruating include foods high in sodium or salt. Bloating, edema, and water retention can result from eating excessive amounts of meals high in salt or sodium.

  1. Sweets
  2. High-sugar foods
  3. Caffeine
  4. Tea
  5. Coffee
  6. Alcohols
  7. Piquant
  8. Spicy foods
  9. Meat
  10. Red meat, such as beef or pork.

2. Can we drink milk during periods?

Answer: Consuming large amounts of dairy products might lead to cramps. Arachidonic acid is an omega-6 fatty acid found in dairy products, including milk, cheese, and ice cream. It might worsen period discomfort and cause inflammation.

3. What should you drink on your period?

Answer: As Vogel’s Women’s Health adviser, I always suggest the following six beverages to assist relieve menstrual cramps:

  1. Water.
  2. Healthy caffeine substitutes.
  3. Green smoothies.
  4. Ginger tea.
  5. Chamomile tea.
  6. Peppermint tea.

4. Which fruit is best for periods?

Answer: Top foods for relieving menstrual cramps

Fruit. Vegetables and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, as well as berries, bananas, and watermelon, may be included in this. Broccoli, kale, sweet potatoes, and other vegetable varieties are among those that can help reduce menstruation pain.

Other high-fiber meals.: salmon, olive oil.

5. Is egg good for periods?

Answer: Another well-liked superfood is eggs. They are nutrient-rich and can help lessen the pain associated with menstruation. They also prolong the feeling of fullness. Nutrients, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, and so on, are abundant in seeds.

6. Which foods reduce period pain?

Answer: The Top 10 Foods for Natural Relief from Period Pains: Say Goodbye to Painful Periods

  1. Ginger: The Natural Analgesic
  2. Dark Chocolate: A Conciliatory Treat
  3. Pineapple: Tropical Comfort.
  4. Turmeric: Golden Goodness.
  5. Salmon: The Omega-3 Booster.
  6. Chamomile Tea: Sip Away the Pain.
  7. Spinach: Popeye’s Secret Weapon.
  8. Bananas: The Cramp Calmer.

7. How can I stop my period naturally?

Answer: Periods cannot be stopped once they have begun. While certain at-home techniques can temporarily lessen bleeding, they cannot completely stop the menstrual flow. Speak with your doctor if you’re interested in delaying your period for personal or medical reasons.


(16 important things you should eat during periods)

In conclusion, being mindful of our food choices during our periods can have a big impact on our general health and reduce the pain that comes with being menstrual. This blog post’s discussion of the 16 essential foods to consume during your period offers a thorough guide to maintaining hormonal balance, giving your body the nutrition it needs, and treating typical symptoms like exhaustion and cramping.

You can make sure that your body gets the vital vitamins and minerals it requires to perform at its best by including a range of nutrient-rich meals, such as fruits, whole grains, leafy greens, and lean proteins. Furthermore, consuming meals high in iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, as well as drinking plenty of water, will help facilitate a more comfortable menstrual cycle.

It’s critical to pay attention to your body’s signals and change according to dietary requirements and personal preferences. Although following these suggested foods might be a useful guide, it’s important to customise your diet and pay attention to how your body reacts to various foods.

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