7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

Here we are going to share information on the topic “7 main reasons to have a period twice a month.” The menstrual cycle of most women lasts between 24 and 38 days. We now calculate the length of the menstrual cycle by counting from the first day of the current month to the first day of the subsequent one. Although the average length of a menstrual cycle was discussed, the majority of women’s cycles last 28 days. In fact, cycles vary, particularly in the case of younger women who are just beginning to menstruate. However, experiencing abrupt variations in the length of the menstrual cycle, such as having a period twice a month, is not “normal.”

7 main reasons to have a period twice a month
7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

Experiencing two menses in a single month might be attributed to various factors. If you typically have two periods in a month, it is acceptable. Once every 24 to 38 days, the menstrual cycle typically lasts three to five days. 12 If your menstruation occurs every 24 days, you may experience two periods in a single month. Periods can also indicate hormonal fluctuations, uterine fibroids, polyps, or stress in other situations. 3

Some characteristics of your health may be reflected in your menstrual cycle. Continue reading to find out if two periods in a month could indicate a more serious issue.

7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

Why am I having two menstrual cycles in a single month?

Periods often last between 24 and 38 days. Within a typical window, there is a period that appears at the beginning of the month and again at the conclusion of the month.

Not every person’s cycle fits into that range. For instance, periods that occur more than once every 21 days are referred to as polymenorrhea, or frequent menstruation. 4 In the event that you are bleeding earlier than usual or experience spotting in between periods, it may be a one-time anomaly.

“There isn’t necessarily a problem just because two periods fall within the same calendar month,” says Alyssa Dweck, MD, an OB-GYN and author of “The Complete A to Z for Your V.”

If you usually have your period more than once a month, there may be another issue. If your next period arrives earlier than you anticipated, take into account these additional factors.

7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

1. Contraception

  • Spotting in between periods, or breakthrough bleeding, could be brought on by your birth control. Hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs), implants, and low-dose birth control pills are frequently associated with breakthrough bleeding.
  • For the first two to six months, for instance, irregular menstruation may result from a hormonal IUD. For as long as you have it, the implant may produce irregular periods over the first three months.
  • Breakthrough bleeding is not an indication that your birth control is ineffective; rather, it is typical. Individuals who smoke or take birth control inconsistently may be more susceptible to breakthrough bleeding than others. If you forget to take your birth control ring off or skip the week when you take your tablets as a placebo, you can also experience breakthrough bleeding.

2. Issues with Hormones and Structure

  • An imbalance of any of the hormones involved in ovulation—estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone—may be the cause of an overly early period. For instance, irregular periods may be a symptom of PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome. A hormonal condition known as PCOS affects the ovaries in women and men who are fertile. PCOS patients may not ovulate on a regular basis.
  • “Inconsistent ovulation can result from [hormone abnormalities]. Basically, your uterus doesn’t know when or how much blood to flow, “Dr. Dweck stated.
  • In addition, structural issues, such as polyps or uterine fibroids, may cause further bleeding.
  • Non-cancerous growths in the uterus are known as uterine fibroids. 8 Polyps are an expansion of the uterine lining tissue. 9

3. Menopause

  • If you are 45 years of age or older, perimenopause may induce two periods in a single month. Menopause transitions into perimenopause, which happens a year and a half following your last menstrual cycle. During this time, your period can become more erratic than usual.
  • “Your hormones might be all over the place, ovulation can happen sporadically, and you can get your period twice a month during the perimenopause,” Dr. Dweck explained.
  • As you get closer to menopause, your ovaries produce less and less progesterone and oestrogen. Hormonal changes result in symptoms, such as irregular menstruation. 11 Approximately 70% of individuals in the peri- and post-menopausal stages have irregular menstrual bleeding, which may include numerous periods.

One possible reason for bleeding twice in a month is pregnancy. Although vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy, you can notice spotting or bleeding during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy-related bleeding is not the same as irregular menstrual bleeding. There is no menstruation while a woman is pregnant.

Pregnancy-related vaginal bleeding causes include:

  • Modifying hormones
  • Infection/Sex
  • Threatened miscarriage, which typically results in the loss of the pregnancy

“When considering a sexual relationship, one of the first things I consider is becoming pregnant. When pregnant, some women have irregular bleeding, “Dr. Dweck stated.

You may be confident that bleeding is normal and does not indicate a medical issue. Nevertheless, if you have bleeding or spotting while pregnant, inform a medical professional. An ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when the fertilised egg attaches outside of the uterus, can occasionally be indicated by spots. If left untreated, an ectopic pregnancy can be fatal.

4. Adolescence

  • After your first period in adolescence, irregular periods are possible. Many teenagers, according to research, have menstrual cycles that are short—less than 20 days—and can result in two periods in a month. Some people may experience menstrual cycles that are more than 45 days long.
  • After your first period, your hormones require some time to adjust. Between 60 and 80 percent of teenagers won’t have regular
  • An overactive thyroid, also known as hyperthyroidism, results from an overproduction of hormones by the thyroid. If your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, the condition is known as hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid.

5. Irritable thyroid conditions

  • According to Dr. Dweck, the hormones produced by the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland that helps control your metabolism, can influence how frequently you get your period. Period irregularities have been linked to thyroid disorders, according to research.
  • An overactive thyroid, also known as hyperthyroidism, results from an overproduction of hormones by the thyroid. If your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, the condition is known as hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid.
  • If your thyroid is underactive, you may experience severe bleeding during your menstruation. On the other hand, mild menstrual bleeding may be caused by an overactive thyroid. An untreated thyroid illness may cause irregular or numerous periods in a single month.

6. Tension

Stress on the body and mind can lead to irregular, even frequent, periods. For instance, menstrual cycles shorter than twenty-four days are more common in those suffering from anxiety disorders.

7. Ovulation Disruption

Stress may also affect the normal process of ovulation. When stress is prolonged or chronic, it can interfere with the release of eggs from the ovaries. Ovulatory disturbances can result in irregular menstrual cycles, including more frequent periods.

I get my period twice a month; why is that? Endometriosis

Menstrual cycle abnormalities can also be brought on by endometriosis. Because endometriosis and fibroids create similar symptoms, it can be challenging to distinguish between the two conditions at times. However, when you have endometriosis, uterine tissue forms in other parts of your body, causing pain. Subsequently, you can experience bleeding in between periods, heavy periods, and pelvic pain. You might appear to be having menstruation more frequently than once a month at that moment.

As we previously discussed, endometriosis diagnosis is challenging. Even though your physician might detect endometrial tissue

Premenopausal Cycle Modifications

A woman has not had her period for a full year when she enters menopause. However, your cycle undergoes numerous alterations in the months or years preceding menopause, sometimes known as the perimenopause. You might not get your period at all in certain months. (Or you could have a very light flow.) Your cycle may abbreviate at other times, giving the impression that you are menstruating more than once in a 30-day period.

Changes in Hormones

A malfunctioning thyroid may have an effect on your menstrual cycle. Ultimately, your body’s hormone levels are regulated by the thyroid gland. Your hormones will therefore fluctuate if they are underactive or overactive, and your cycle may shift shortly after.

In a similar vein, your cycle might alter if you gain weight unexpectedly. And the reason for it is that gaining weight might affect your oestrogen levels, which in turn can affect when and how your period appears.

The following other mental health issues could result in irregular periods:

  • Manic episodes
  • Depression
  • eating disorders
  • problems related to substance usage

Your menstrual cycle may be impacted by physical stress. A 2015 study found that excessive exercise combined with abrupt weight loss can lead to irregular periods. The duration of periods, the volume of blood lost during menstruation, and the intensity of cramps are not affected by physical or mental stressors, the researchers discovered.

7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

Hazard Contributors

Having multiple periods following your first or in the run-up to menopause is normal. In other cases, a few variables may raise the chance of recurring episodes. 3

Among the risk factors for irregular periods are the following:

  • Certain medicines: Some treatments that treat anxiety and epilepsy could produce frequent periods.
  • Diabetes: If your diabetes is untreated, you may experience irregular periods. Your menstrual periods may be regulated by blood sugar control.
  • Eating disorders: Missed periods, in particular, can be an indication of an eating problem such as anorexia nervosa. Frequent periods may be a symptom of other eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders.
  • Hormone shifts: Frequent periods can be a symptom of hormone-related disorders such PCOS and thyroid disease. Your menstrual cycle may be disrupted by an excess of prolactin, a hormone that promotes breast growth throughout puberty and results in breast milk.
  • Obesity: The production of oestrogen by excess fat tissue might lead to irregular menstruation.
  • If you have primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), your ovaries will quit working before the age of 40.
  • STIs, or sexually transmitted infections: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an illness that can disrupt your menstrual cycle, is brought on by some STIs.
  • Stress: Individuals who experience ongoing stress may experience shorter menstrual cycles than usual.

Potential Difficulties

If left unaddressed, having two periods in a month might lead to issues like:

Anemia: This results from excessive blood loss from regular menstruation. Your body normally receives oxygen from your blood, so losing blood can leave you depleted of it.

The symptoms of anaemia include:

  1. Fatigue,
  2. Irritability,
  3. Dizziness
  4. Coldness.

One of the most prevalent forms of uterine cancer is endometrial cancer. The tissue lining the inside of the uterus is where endometrial cancer first appears. PCOS and polyps are two conditions that can increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

The inability to become pregnant after a year of trying is known as infertility. The risk of infertility may be raised by uterine fibroids, polyps, thyroid disorders, hormonal issues, and PCOS.

Options for Treatment

The course of treatment usually depends on what is causing your irregular periods and may consist of:

  1. Hormone therapy: Controls fluctuating hormone levels (i.e., high-dose oestrogen therapy if you have heavy menstrual bleeding)
  2. Supplemental iron: Alleviates anemia; NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: lessens the intensity of uncomfortable times
  3. Surgery: eliminates polyps or uterine fibroids Treatment for excessive menstrual bleeding with tranexamic acid

A medical professional might suggest a hysterectomy, which is the removal of the uterus, or surgery to remove the uterine lining. Usually, medical professionals save certain treatments for extremely unusual or serious situations.

7 main reasons to have a period twice a month
7 main reasons to have a period twice a month

Frequently asked questions

(7 main reasons to have a period twice a month)

1. Is it normal to have a period twice a month?

Answer: Getting two periods in a month might not be a big deal in some circumstances, like puberty and perimenopause. Speak with your doctor, though, if you are aware of any recent changes in your period or if you simply feel like you are bleeding more than usual.

2. Why am I bleeding again after my period two weeks ago?

Answer: Bleeding between periods can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, the use of hormonal contraception or other contraceptive devices, infections, and injuries. Endometriosis is one of the many additional causes of bleeding between periods. growths or polyps in your cervix or uterus.

3. Is it normal to have periods once every two months?

Answer: While missing or irregular periods are typical, you should see your doctor if you haven’t had a period in more than three months or if you used to have regular cycles.

4. Can a period stop and start again?

Answer: Period irregularities don’t always mean that something is wrong. Intermittent periods are frequently caused by regular hormonal variations that occur during the menstrual cycle. If these irregularities happen every month or if there are other symptoms, the person should contact a physician or gynaecologist.

5. Can stress make your period come twice a month?

Answer: Because the hormones that drive your ovaries to ovulate each month begin in the brain, high levels of stress can lead to either more frequent periods or completely missed ones, according to Dr. Masterson (you know, the same place where stress hormones are released).

6. When should I be worried about my period?

Answer: modifications to your menstrual cycle. A physician should be consulted if there is bleeding during the menopause, following sex, or in between cycles. It could be brought on by an infection, anomalies in the cervix, the neck of the womb, or, in extremely rare circumstances, cancer.

Conclusion (7 main reasons to have a period twice a month)

In conclusion, menstrual cycles can occur more frequently in different people. While it is widely accepted as normal to have a period once a month, it is not unusual to experience it twice a month. But it’s critical to be aware of any changes in menstruation cycles and to seek medical advice if the irregularity continues or if there are concerns. A more frequent menstrual cycle can be caused by a number of things, including hormonal changes, stress, weight fluctuations, or underlying medical issues. Understanding and controlling abnormalities requires keeping track of menstrual cycles, leading a healthy lifestyle, and getting medical help when needed. Recall that candid dialogue with medical professionals can result in tailored treatments and guarantee the general health and welfare of the reproductive system.

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