What You Should Know About Period Blood Color

Here we are going to share information on the topic “What You Should Know About Period Blood Color.” Blood from a person’s menstruation can reveal various medical issues based on its hue. For instance, period blood that is red or dark brown may be an early sign of pregnancy, but orange or grey blood may signal a vaginal infection.

  • The vagina is used by the body to expel blood and tissue from the uterus during menstruation. Depending on how old it is, this bloody discharge can range in colour from brilliant red to dark brown or black.
  • If blood is kept in the uterus long enough, oxygen will react with the blood (oxidize). Blood appears darker once it has had time to oxidise.
  • The colour and texture of period blood can also be impacted by hormonal fluctuations and medical problems.
  • This page offers a chart of menstrual blood and explains the meanings of the various colours. It also discusses the meaning of clots, colour changes during menstruation, and when to consult a physician.
What You Should Know About Period Blood Color
What You Should Know About Period Blood Color

What You Should Know About Period Blood Color


A person may experience black blood at the start or finish of their menstrual cycle. Older blood or blood that has taken longer to leave the uterus and had time to oxidize—first going brown or dark red, then eventually turning black—is usually indicated by the hue.

Sometimes black blood can also be a sign of a vaginal obstruction. Additional signs of a blockage in the vagina can be:

  • Odorous discharge
  • Fever
  • Trouble urinating
  • Itching
  • Swelling in the vaginal area

Dark crimson or brown

Similar to black blood, brown or dark red blood indicates old blood and might show up at the start or finish of a menstrual cycle. Compared to black blood, brown or dark red blood has not had as much time to rust and can have a range of hues.


  • Doctors refer to brown blood or spotting as “implantation bleeding,” which is an early indicator of pregnancy.
  • A miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy—where the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus—can be indicated by brown discharge or spotting during pregnancy, according to Trusted Source. It’s crucial that pregnant women who get vaginal bleeding or spotting go to their obstetrician or physician.


  • Postpartum bleeding, often known as lochia, is a dark crimson or brown vaginal discharge that appears after giving birth. Lochia is the body’s method of removing extra blood and tissue from the uterus, and it is not a reason for alarm.
  • Usually, when the flow diminishes, the lochia turns from a bright red color to a darker shade. The discharge will gradually lighten in both quantity and color.
  • Although the length of lochia varies from person to person, it often goes away in the first few months following childbirth. After giving birth, women who bleed excessively should consult a physician.
  • Not every woman who gives birth has lochia. Hormone fluctuations may also cause irregular periods in women after having children.

Vibrant red

  • Fresh blood and a constant flow are indicated by bright crimson blood. Bright, crimson bleeding may begin a period and get darker as it progresses. Some people may see blood that remains a vivid crimson color during their menstrual cycle.
  • Unexplained bleeding or spotting in between menstrual cycles could indicate an STD like gonorrhoea or chlamydia. Unusually heavy bleeding can also be brought on by polyps or fibroids, which are growths in the uterine lining.
  • Bright crimson blood may, in rare cases, indicate cervical cancer.

Additional signs of cervical cancer consist of:

  • Heavier times
  • Phases that persist after sexual activity longer than usual
  • Unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge and discomfort in the legs, pelvis, or lower back
  • Appetite decline
  • Inexplicable drop in weight


  • Period blood mingling with cervical fluid might result in spotting or pink blood.
  • Lowering oestrogen levels in the body through hormonal birth control may result in a lighter, pinker-hued flow during periods.
  • Tiny rips may appear in the cervix or vagina after sexual activity. These tears can contain blood, which can combine with vaginal secretions and leave the body with pink discharge.

Additional reasons for pink menstrual blood could be:

  • Considerable weight loss unhealthy eating habits, anaemia
  • Pregnancy
  • A pink discharge with tissue seen during pregnancy may be an indication of a miscarriage. It’s crucial that pregnant women who have vaginal bleeding consult an obstetrician or doctor.

Orange blood

  • Orange blood can also appear when it combines with cervical fluid.
  • A bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis infection could be indicated by orange blood or discharge. Individuals who have orange blood should look for additional warning signs, such as discomfort, itching, or foul-smelling discharge coming from the vagina.
  • Even though orange period blood or discharge may not always mean an infection, it is still a good idea to get checked out by a physician or gynaecologist.
  • A disorder called bacterial vaginosis, which arises from an imbalance between good and dangerous bacteria in the vagina, is typically indicated by gray-gray discharge.

Additional signs of bacterial vaginosis consist of:

  • Itching in and around the vagina the unpleasant vaginal stench that is sometimes characterised as “fishy” burning or uncomfortable urine
  • Individuals who exhibit signs of bacterial vaginosis ought to consult a physician or gynaecologist. Antibiotics are typically prescribed by doctors to treat bacterial vaginosis.
  • Pregnancy
  • Gray discharge with clots in it during the later stages of pregnancy may be a sign of a miscarriage. Pregnant women who have bleeding should consult an obstetrician or physician.

How Period Blood Color Is Affected by Timing

The most frequent cause of dark period blood is light or sluggish flow, which gives the blood more time to oxidise as it leaves the uterus and exits the vagina.

Blood is exposed to oxygen during this period and becomes brown.

The majority of women who menstruate experience their lightest and slowest flow at the start and finish of their cycle. On the other hand, brown spots might also appear mid-cycle.


On the first or second day of your menstrual cycle, you can observe brown period blood. This can sometimes be attributed to a light flow. It can be blood from a prior period in other situations.


Most people experience a lighter and slower blood flow around the conclusion of their menstrual cycle. For this reason, on the last day or two of your menstrual cycle, you can also detect brown period blood.

During a Time

People who flow very lightly may have brown blood for the duration of their menstruation. This is more prevalent if you use a hormonal intrauterine device or another birth control treatment that can result in lighter periods (IUD). The first few cycles in children might seem brown and are frequently extremely mild.

Mid-Round Identification

Additionally, you can have mid-cycle dark vaginal bleeding, especially around ovulation. The release of an egg from your ovary occurs during ovulation. Bleeding during ovulation may appear brown.

A period of time during which colour changes

  • The hue and texture of blood might vary from one month to the next or even during a single period.
  • Period blood variances can be caused by changes in hormones, a person’s nutrition, lifestyle, age, and environment.
  • Depending on variations in flow, period blood can range in colour from vivid red to dark brown. Unusual blood colour or irregular bleeding can be caused by infections, pregnancy, and, in rare situations, cervical cancer.
  • Individuals who have exceptionally long or heavy menstrual cycles might need to schedule a medical checkup.

Blood clots during menstruation

  • Visible fragments of the uterine lining may be present in healthy menstrual blood. There is no need to be concerned about these little tissue fragments in the blood, known as clots.
  • Large clots or excessive bleeding, however, may indicate menorrhagia. Menorrhagia, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Trusted Source, is defined as an abnormally heavy menstrual flow or a period lasting longer than seven days.

The following conditions should be evaluated by a physician, according to the CDC:

Bleeding with clots the size of a quarter or larger and bleeding that necessitates changing a tampon or pad after less than two hours

Menorrhagia can also be caused by the following, according to the CDC:

  • Tumours of the uterus, such as polyps or uterine fibroids, hormonal abnormalities, and pelvic inflammatory illness
  • intrauterine devices for contraception (IUDs) bleeding conditions, such von Willebrand disease, specific drugs, like aspirin and anticoagulants, and uterine or cervical cancer
  • Menorrhagia can result in consequences, including anaemia or persistent fatigue, if left untreated.

When Is blood from the brown period not normal?

Blood from the brown period is not usually normal. Occasionally, it indicates an underlying medical ailment that needs to be treated.

The following circumstances indicate whether brown menstrual blood is abnormal:

  • Unwanted conception or miscarriage: One of the earliest indications of a miscarriage is bleeding, often accompanied by cramps and pain. The blood may turn brownish at this point. 3
  • PCOS: PCOS patients may have light, irregular, and sometimes brown periods. PCOS patients may also experience alterations in their menstrual cycle. 7
  • Fibroids and polyps: Unusual monthly bleeding, including dark blood, can be brought on by uterine fibroids and polyps, which are growths in and on the uterus.
  • Infection: Light bleeding that may seem brown can be caused by an infection in your vagina or cervix, such as a STI, yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or PID.

While brown period blood is usually not a cause for concern, if you observe a change in the colour of your vaginal discharge or period blood, get in touch with your doctor.

When to call a physician

People should see a physician or gynaecologist if they experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Unexpected or novel vaginal discharge
  • Irregular periods during menopause, missing three or more cycles, and changing in length and flow from one month to the next
  • Unpleasant-smelling vaginal odour, thick discharge that is either grey or white, itching in or around the vagina, and fever
  • Consult your doctor or obstetrician if you notice any bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge while pregnant.

Frequently asked questions

What You Should Know About Period Blood Color

Why is my period blood brown?

During your menstrual cycle, blood flows more slowly, which means that it takes longer to leave your body. It has more time to oxidise and turn dark the longer it remains in your body. Brown blood may even occasionally be carried over from a previous menstrual cycle.

Why is my first period brown?

Many girls anticipate having bright, crimson blood when they get their period. However, the reddish colour of menstrual blood is very normal. It’s also common for some females to experience their first menstruation in as little as two or three days.

Does a brown period mean infection?

While benign cervical or uterine growths, pregnancy problems, infections, or other more serious conditions might occasionally be indicated by brown discharge, even though it is typically not a concern,. Brown discharge is not always indicative of cervical cancer.

Why is my period brown and smelly?

Consult your doctor if you detect brown discharge that has a strong, disagreeable smell. This could indicate a retained foreign object, such as a tampon, or a vaginal infection, such as an STI.

Can I push my period out faster?

Is there a way to end your period earlier? While there are certain techniques that might shorten your menstrual cycle, they’re typically not instant fixes. In certain situations, you might be able to shorten it by using hormonal birth control or natural treatments like vitamins and herbs.

How do you treat brown discharge?

When used in conjunction with antibiotics, natural remedies such as probiotics and boric acid suppositories can effectively treat existing infections more quickly and prevent future infections if your brown discharge is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted infection like trichomoniasis.

What You Should Know About Period Blood Color
What You Should Know About Period Blood Color


What You Should Know About Period Blood Color

In summary, knowing the significance of one’s menstrual blood colour might offer important insights about one’s menstrual health. Color fluctuations can signal a variety of monthly health issues, such as hormonal balance, potential infections, or even pregnancy difficulties. These can range from bright red to dark brown. Proactive management of reproductive health is ensured by monitoring these changes and seeking medical advice as needed.

So, this is how the topic “What You Should Know About Period Blood Color” has been addressed.

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